Arkansas Target Test The Online Assessments A New Look
Page 2 A New Name and New Look for Target Test D2SC is now PCG – we are bigger and better with the same team that is ready to serve you. The application is more in touch with current web technologies. We are the same people and product, but new and improved. You will continue to use the same Web Address
Page 3 Online – What is the Process? Releasing The assessments still need to be released to students. This may continue to be done by the same person, or persons, who have been releasing the printable version of the Target Test for scanning. The process is the same as before with some new options: Release Date and Due Date: now these two fields determine the time window in which a student may take an online assessment Delivery: This defaults to All Questions, Not Timed. This option should not be changed for Target Test Randomize Question and Answers: This defaults to not checked This option should not be changed for Target Test.
Page 4 The Process Continued Teacher Actions Activating Student Accounts: This step displays the Student Login information to the teacher. Monitoring student progress: The teacher should be aware of any issues students may have logging into the system as well as being aware of students that may be experiencing technical difficulties. In general, teachers should follow their normal protocols for monitoring any assessment. Student Actions Logging into the system Taking the Online Assessme nt Submitting the finished Assessment
Page 5 Assessment Tools for Students During Online Assessment, tools are provided to emulate paper and pencil test taking techniques. There are two distinct tools that students may use while taking the assessment. Red X: A red X is displayed immediately to the left of each answer choice bubble. The red X allows the student to cross out, or eliminate, an answer choice from consideration. Test Tools: These tools are available to Bold, Cross Out or Highlight specific words in the answer choice to identify key words or thoughts that the student wants to focus on. Additional details on the usage of these tools is available on the Downloads page as described later in this document.
Page 6 The New Look
Page 7 Guidelines and Documents You can find a wealth of helpful documentation by logging into your existing D2SC website and going to the D2SC Downloads page from your main menu. There you can find information on using the new look and feel of the application. There’s even a short video that describes it to you. Finally, everything you need for administering the Online Assessments can be found there too. Check out the next page.
Page 8 Find It On the D2SC Downloads Page