Elementary Counselors and Principals Working Together North Carolina School Counseling Conference Greensboro, NC November 8, 2012 Michael Miller, Assistant Principal, Charles T. Koontz Intermediate School Jayme Benfield, Program Specialist, Student Services
In this session you will… Understand your roles in the PBIS model Understand the importance of the counselor/administrator team Refocus on the whole child staying connected as a team Develop strategies to coordinate with your counselor
PBIS/RtI Framework Staying Connected to Serve All Students
SYSTEMS Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SupportingDecisionMaking PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior Positive Behavior Intervention & Support OUTCOMES Social Competence & Academic Achievement 4
How do you support one another?
Building capacity for a Shared vision for decision making Problem Problem Identification Problem Solving
Hula Directions Get in a hula hoop together (once you get into the hula hoop you are to be silent until you return to your seat) Move to the Problem area to pick up a scenario Move to Problem Identification area to pick up your first instinct of the problem Move to Resources area to pick up possible resources to help with your hypothesis Move to the Problem Solving area to pick up a problem solving sheet Finally, return to your seat (you may get out of your hula hoop) to talk together and problem solve your scenario
Share Out 1. Student who has a special education diagnosis who has had 5 days of OSS has been sent to the office for “another” referral for disruption. 2. Student has been sent to the office to finish her work because she has been off task and falling asleep in class for a couple of weeks now.
Share Out 3. Student is sent to the office for silent lunch after having a melt down in the bathroom and yelling at several students who were in there. 4. Student has been sent to the office for bullying another student during the after school program. 5. Student who is frequently arguing with other students escalates to a physical fight and is sent to see the principal. Student often comes to school dirty wearing the same clothes several days in a row. Student often comments that he is hungry and asking for peers’ food in the cafeteria.
Core 11 GOAL: 100% of students achieve at high levels Tier I: Begins with clear goals: 1.What do we expect all students to know, understand and do as a result of our instruction? 2.How will we know if these goals are met? 3.How will we respond when students do not meet the goals with initial instruction? 4.How will we respond when some students have already met the goals? (Batsche, 2010)
Our Guiding Question? What do students need to know, understand and be able to do, to ensure their success in the future, whether it is to continue with current study from grade-to-grade level or post-secondary college or career?
Classroom Guidance Have schedule posted Have monthly topics posted on website as well as bulletin boards or hallways Classroom guidance allows us to get to know ALL students Helps us work with teachers to implement Guidance Essential Standards Allows whole group discussion regarding socio-emotional, cognitive and career development
Team Connection: Team Connection: Principal as instructional leader should be aware of the connection between the socio-emotional well-being and academic outcomes. Principal can help make connections with academic standards and guidance essential standards Principal should know topic to help with student needs Principal is knowledgeable when talking with parents and students
School-wide Assemblies School-wide Assemblies Possible awards for noticing students with great character or leadership skills Possible awards for noticing students with great character or leadership skills Working with music teacher to come up with a themed song (character, 7 Habits, expectations, etc) Working with music teacher to come up with a themed song (character, 7 Habits, expectations, etc)Presence “The New Open House” Booth – explaining what the counselor does – brochures Serving food to families Open clothes closet and/or food pantry Presence Students see you as being invested in their total school experience
Committees PBIS/RtI (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports/Response to Instruction) SIT (School Improvement Team) Hospitality Safety
Parent Education Monthly sessions Parent survey for topics Follow-up sessions if needed Webpage on school site
Supplemental 18 Tier II < 20% of students Core + Supplemental To Achieve Benchmarks 1.Where are the students performing now? 2.Where do we want them to be? 3.How long do we have to get them there? 4.How much do they have to grow per year/month to get there? 5.What resources will move them at that rate? 6.How will we monitor the growth of students receiving supplemental instruction? (Batsche, 2010) What are some ways you think counselors can help support students in Tier 2?
Supplemental Supports Small groups counseling sessions Check-in Check-Out (CICO) Mentoring School-based mental health Outside referrals (mental health, Eblen, MANNA, Salvation Army, YMCA, etc.) CHAPS (Child Help and Parent Support) DSS Consulting – problem solving
Individualized 20 …to achieve benchmarks 1.Where is the student performing now? 2.Where do we want him/her to be? 3.How long do we have to get him/her there? 4.What supports has he/she received? 5.What resources will move him/her at that rate? 6.How will we monitor and evaluate the student’s growth? (Batsche, 2010) Tier III < 5% of Students Core + Supplemental + Intensive Individual Instruction
Individualized Interventions Individual counseling sessions Student planning Facilitate an FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment) Observations Parent-Teacher Conference Home visits/Hospital Mental Health referrals Other outside referrals Consulting – problem solving
Directions 1. Review each of the four profiles, and identify the one which most closely describes your style. 2. Stand under the direction for that profile. East (eagle), North (buffalo), South (mouse), or West (bear) 3. Consider which direction is your secondary tendency. Your third? Last?
Points to Ponder 1. What about your first inclination drew you to that sign? 2. How do you react under pressure? 3. What kind of feedback have you received from others about yourself? 4. What seems most comfortable about that sign? 5. How does this tendency work for or against you when working with others? 6. What do you think the implications are for you and your counselor/administrator relationship?
What about those “other” people? Look on the card and consider how best to work with individuals from other directions. Where is your counselor/administrator coming from? How does this knowledge impact what you know about your working relationship with him/her?
How do you stay connected? Scheduled weekly meetings or brief conversations about immediate needs Discipline – check in with counselor Flexible – available when needed Counselor/Administrator representation on specific committees and parent meetings
Thanks for coming!! Jayme Benfield Mike Miller