Mission Statement As a community of learners utilizing research and best practices, Menomonie Middle School meets the unique developmental needs of ALL students, preparing them to become lifelong learners, caring individuals, and responsible citizens.
RtI Goal Response to Learning Our Response to Instruction is : Rigorous, Intentional, Appropriate, Committed, and Relentless
MMS Paradigm WHAT I NEED (WIN) Step I (Data Review Activity) Identify student need based on assessment data: (Who falls above grade level target, who falls below) WKCE / SMARTER BALANCED Assessment STAR EXPLORE DRP Lucy Calkins Local Common Assessment / Curriculum Based Formative/Summative Other
MMS Paradigm WIN Step 2 Assign a minimum of 5 students to each core teacher for Tier II/III support. Depending on the level of need, these students may be identified for Title 1 and/or special education services in addition to WIN. The act of assigning students will be done during the Data Review process and/or during Team Time in collaboration with school counselors and specified specialists. Consider “best fit” when assigning students to core teachers. Who already has a quality rapport? Who possesses the greatest expertise in the area of need.
One Size Does Not Fit All WIN Step 3 WIN teachers collaborate with assigned students and parents individually to: (Teleconferencing and/or electronic communication with parents/guardians may suffice.) Develop a meaningful relationship Assess learning gaps and needs Distinguish between academic need and social-behavioral need Establish learning goals and a learning contract Determine a schedule for interventions Example learning contracts available upon request. Forms to document available in Google Drive Student Profile Student Needs Assessment
Scheduling WIN Step 4 When Designing WIN Schedules Consider: Frequency necessary to see gains/ Minutes matter Is a double dose appropriate? – If so, which course is best to eliminate? Is exploratory pull-out appropriate? Consider alternative schedule to meet individual needs. When possible plan schedule in June for next year.
Communicating WIN Step 5 Use the Google Drive templates to document and store your learning plans and intervention schedules. Google Drive Templates = Needs Assessment, Student Profile We will continue to customize to be more user friendly and accessible. Complete schedule change forms (available in Google Drive) to indicate potential changes to a student’s schedule. Provide copies of the learning contracts and schedules for parents/guardians/students. Share information with exploratory staff via , voic , or other communication tool. Each Core teacher is ultimately responsible for the communication necessary for each student identified and assigned to his/her WIN intervention time.
Initiate Action Plan Step 6 Establish a baseline – use a pre-assessment or formative assessment (Some pre-assessments already exist. Consult with math and literacy teachers.) Needs Assessment Tools exist in the RtI Handbook. Provide instruction and practice learning activities. (Consult with specialists and/or math and literacy teachers for instructional ideas when necessary.) Assess again Repeat………..
Evaluate Action Plan Is WIN? Step 7 Use pre, mid, and post-assessment data to evaluate growth – multiple forms of data is necessary Involve the student in this evaluation Visuals are recommended: Charts, Graphs, Progress Tracker Document growth or lack of in Google Drive Adjust learning plan and/or schedule if necessary Document schedule changes and learning plan changes in Google Drive Communicate changes: Student, Parent, Counselor, Teachers, Specialists
What if WIN Isn’t Enough? CARES – Another opportunity for Tier II Re-teaching CARES – Another opportunity for Pull-out BRAINZ – Before and/or After School support FBA - Conduct an FBA (Functional Behavioral Analysis) Guidance and Counseling – Referral SAT - Referral
WIN Celebrate Growth Step 8 Celebrate Growth! Praise, other……
WIN Don’t Give Up! Step 9 Adjust learning plan – Re-assess need – Increase frequency – Change type of intervention – Adjust schedule – Consult specialists – Refer to SAT – Teach and model effort
WIN Reflection Step 10 Use our MMS cycle of Data Reviews to professionally reflect on what works and what doesn’t work Collaboratively reflect with colleagues Journal and verbalize recommendations