“MINING” OUR Student Achievement Data NWEA, MEAP/MME, District, and Other Educational Data Combined with Professional Judgment Positively Impacts Teaching and Learning!
Mining MEAP/MME Data: Look at the MEAP/MME Class or Grade Item Analysis Report & highlight: 1. P roblem items with less than 65% correct answers. 2. P roblem items with equal distribution among answers. 3. S trength items with more than 80% correct answers. Look at the MEAP GLCEs or MME HSCEs. Look at the Released Items & Questions. List your areas of concern.
Step #1: Mining MEAP/MME Data Look at the Class or Grade Item Analysis Report. Highlight correct items shown by a + under Percent Responding: p roblems (65% or less) & s trengths (80% or more)
Step #2: Mining MEAP/MME Data Look at the MEAP GLCEs/MME HSCEs in strength and problem areas and see if they are CORE areas. Target core areas first.
Step #3: Mining MEAP/MME Data Look at the MEAP/MME Released Item Number and the corresponding released questions from your building administrator or found at ,00.html ,00.html
Analyzing MEAP/MME Data 1.What are your areas of celebration? 2.What are your areas of concern? 3.How will you begin to prioritize?
In General: Mining NWEA Data Look at Class Breakdown by Goal Report. Ask questions such as- 1. What subject area gave my students the most trouble? 2. What specific goal areas (subtests) were most difficult for my students and which were the easiest? 3. Who are my most needy students? Look at DesCartes in the areas of difficulty/success. (Click on.) Specific directions will follow.
Gathering NWEA Data Use the NWEA Quick Guide to help you find specific data reports or to run progress reports. Be sure to always copy in PDF format.
Step #1: Mining NWEA Data Look at Class by RIT Report. Note: Other report information is also available for use.
Step #2: Mining NWEA Data Look at Class Breakdown by Goal Report. Click on the name of the main test for goal subtests tests.
Step #3:Mining NWEA Data Look at DesCartes in the areas of difficulty/success. (Click on.)
Analyzing Common Strengths & Weaknesses in the Data Look for common weaknesses and strengths between the MEAP/MME analysis and the NWEA analysis.
Focus on Your Main Goal(s) Your SMART GOAL(s) for the Remainder of this School Year
PLC Questions Where do we have common needs? How can we build upon the strengths of our PLC to help our students?
Thank You…. Please remember to fill out your SMART GOAL(s) Action Plan, give a copy to your building administrator(s), and send/ a copy to the Teaching & Learning office. Prepared by L. Slanec, 2008