Working Portfolios For Non Classroom Teachers. Agenda Determine Working Portfolio rubric Understand the performance levels and scoring Brainstorm possible.


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Presentation transcript:

Working Portfolios For Non Classroom Teachers

Agenda Determine Working Portfolio rubric Understand the performance levels and scoring Brainstorm possible evidence Understand process and requirements Resources available

Who does a Working Portfolio? Bargaining Unit 5 employees classified as school or non-school level NCT (non-classroom teacher) Administrator decides whether classroom observation or working portfolio will be used Usually observation are not possible because a teacher’s primary job responsibilities do not involve the delivery of instruction. Will you be doing a Working Portfolio?

What are working portfolios? A measure of teacher practice that replace classroom observations for BU5 employees A vehicle for purposefully collecting and presenting evidence of meeting performance expectations. Consist of 5 components (Hawaii Adapted Framework for Teaching) clearly aligned to rubrics A purposeful, ongoing collection of evidence (artifacts and observations) that shows progress or achievement Compiled in physical or electronic formats Collaborative and reflective under the guidance of your administrator

What working portfolio are NOT: Collections of miscellaneous pieces of information

Components and Rubrics? Will focus on different components and use different Framework rubrics depending on your individual role Page 2 of Guidance Document Danielson book pages School counselor-pages Instructional Specialist-pages Library/Media Specialist-pages Which component and rubric will you be using?

Resources Components Rubrics Guidance Document Evidence Submission Form

Evaluated at the component level (5) Unsatisfactory 0 points Basic 2 points Proficient 3 points Distinguished 4 points Final rating is produced by averaging the scores from all five component ratings ACTIVITY-

Process Beginning Conference (20-30 minutes) NOW-January 31st Evidence Collection-NOW-End of March Progress Check Conference Optional (20-30 minutes) February-March Ending Conference (April and May) Finalize in May Share responsibility for compiling and documenting evidence

Beginning Conference Administrators should set clear expectations for the types and sources of evidence that will be considered high quality Quality of the evidence is determined by if it relates to the NCT job responsibility and clearly aligns with a specific component within the rubric QUALITY over QUANTITY Evidence of performance over the course of the year (not isolation) Collaboratively work with your administrator to avoid surprises at the end of the process

Possible Evidence Can be gathered through structured observations (24 hours notice*) of performance as opposed to collecting artifacts Verbatim scripting of teacher or student comments statements of observed teacher or student behavior Numeric information Description of the environment *offer pre-observation questions to provide context for the observation-Admin provided feedback within 2 weeks Levels of performance will not be assigned for a single observation or piece of evidence….determined as a whole of all evidence at the end of the year

PDE3 Working portfolio tab will/can house all the evidence

Progress Check Conference OPTIONAL Usually if work priorities and responsibilities change significantly after beginning conferences Teachers are responsible for scheduling with administrator Mimics the process of beginning conference Talk through the 5 components with administrator Possible to retain some evidence already collected Enter in new responses below previous responses in PDE3

Ending Conference Present the working portfolio to the administrator and participate in analyzing all evidence against the component level rubrics. Discuss areas of strength and weakness for each component Administrator assigns a final performance level rating for each component

Finalization Complete the Ending Conference Summary form in PDE3 within a few days of the ending conference Administrator reviews the summary form and provides comments as needed

PDE3 site Administrator completes Beginning conference date/time Progress check date/time (optional) NCT role (drop down box) Comments for each NCT field questions Ending conference date/time

NCT in PDE3 What are your most critical roles and responsibilities? What is the population that your work impacts directly? How do you plan to collect multiple types of sources of evidence aligned to (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5 th ) working portfolio component? What, if anything, would you like your administrator to specifically observe or collect evidence on throughout the year?

Teacher reflection in PDE3 What strengths have the working portfolio process helped you identify? What areas for growth have the working portfolio process helped you identify? Reflecting on what you’ve learned, what are some changes in practice that would improve the work you perform?

Evidence Submission Form Used for each artifact collected (not observation) form to principal prior to the ending conference (actual artifacts do not have to be ed or uploaded in PDE3)

Questions Mahalo