1 TDTWG Update to RMS Tuesday January 6, 2014
2 Primary Activities 1.Reviewed ERCOT System Outages and Failures 2.Presented Service Availability and MarkeTrak Performance 3.Reviewed 2015 SLA 4.Reviewed ERCOT Internet Explorer 5.Reviewed ERCOT Test Environment 6.Reviewed NAESB Updates 7.Ad Hoc items
1.Reviewed ERCOT System Outages and Failures All SLA targets met for the month of October 2014 No Retail incidents or outages to report Market Data Transparency experienced delays in posting various reports on 10/11/14, 10/19/14, 10/21/14 and 10/28/14. No Retail Release only scheduled outage on 12/6 and 12/7 involving some system migrations 3
RMS requested ERCOT to provided a report on the root cause of the delayed posting reports –ERCOT determined delays typically occurred when a large amount of data was received from a TDSP –ERCOT has asked TDSP’s to modify processes preventing large amount of data reaching ERCOT systems –ERCOT is also investigating a modification to correct the issue 4
2. ERCOT presented Service Availability and MarkeTrak performance ERCOT presented SLO for the month of October 2014 showing performance of ongoing slowness with the API Query List and API Update response times. ERCOT and TDSPs using API agreed to the following o No change to the API Query Details or GUI o API Query List – ERCOT will investigate using MP XML and will consult with the TDSPs that use the API to determine if ERCOT can emulate the TDSP’s queries. o API Update – ERCOT will keep the current query and investigate adding a self-contained MarkeTrak update 5
ERCOT presented SLO for the month of October 2014 showing performance of ongoing slowness with the API Query List and API Update response times. ERCOT analyzed the queries currently being used for SLA/SLO collection for API Query Detail, API Query List, API Update and GUI. ERCOT and TDSPs using API agreed to the following o No change to the API Query Details or GUI o API Query List – ERCOT will investigate using MP XML and will consult with the TDSPs that use the API to determine if ERCOT can emulate the TDSP’s queries. o API Update – ERCOT will keep the current query and investigate adding a self-contained MarkeTrak update. ERCOT and the MTTF agreed that no changes will be made at this time to the SLOs in the 2015 SLA document 6
3. ERCOT reviewed 2015 SLA ERCOT present changes for 2015 Review under Section Service Availability Updated weekend release schedule (5:00pm Saturday - 12:00am Monday) 7
4. Reviewed ERCOT Internet Explorer ERCOT is evaluating its external facing systems to determine what functionality would need to be modified to support a newer version of Internet Explorer running in compatibility mode. ERCOT to provide more details on expected implementation at RMS on January 6, No confirmed date to remove IE 8 support from ERCOT’s supported deployments. 8
5. Reviewed ERCOT Test Environment TDTWG agreed to present only the recommendation to RMS, including some of the high-level data points from the white paper used to create the recommendation. ERCOT updated the language in the recommendation and submitted to TDTWG leadership for review prior to posting to the meeting webpage and distribution to the list serv. 9
6. Reviewed NAESB Updates As of Nov 21st NAESB accepted the business model presented and will add the changes to the next NAESB version (3.0). The publication date of v3.0 became official as of December 18,2014. Since the business practices for the place holder codes need to be developed, these codes will be included in a future NAESB version. ERCOT will work on the business case and return the results to TDTWG at a future meeting 10
7. Ad Hoc items TDTWG Leadership nominations for 2015 o Request for nominations to be submitted to ERCOT – Vikram Gupta. 11
12 Thank You