Browser Wars Mark Bailey Written By Oliver Hurley
The Page
The Competitors: Internet Explorer 7 Firefox 3 Safari
As of 2003 IE7 at its peak usage share Netscape out of contention
As of 2008 IE7 dropped in market share considerably Firefox 3 launched June 17th, generating over 8 million downloads in a day. Safari… yeah, it’s there.
Features Firefox Tabbed Browsing Passes Acid2 Test Over 5000 Third-Party Add-Ons IE7 It’s the 7 th version of Internet Explorer
Acid2 Test Internet Explorer 7
Acid2 Test Compliant Browsers Firefox 3(+) Safari Others not mentioned in article
Internet Explorer’s Plans For the Future IE8 Acid2 Compliant Integrated Developer Tools Tabbed Browsing (finally) Domain Highlighting Improved Security Features Still Closed Source
The Future Data From