P URPOSE OF I NDEPENDENT L IVING To promote a philosophy of independent living, including a philosophy of consumer control, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access, and individual and system advocacy, in order to maximize the leadership, empowerment, independence, and productivity of individuals with disabilities, and the integration and full inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the mainstream of American society
A DMINISTRATION OF THE IL P ROGRAM New Language Transfer of Functions—There are transferred to the Administration for Community Living (ACL), all functions which the Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration exercised before the effective date of this section (including all related functions of any officer or employee of that Administration) under chapter 1 of title VII Created the Independent Living Administration (ILA)
D EFINITIONS C ENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING.—The term “center for independent living” means a consumer- controlled, community-based, cross-disability, nonresidential private nonprofit agency for individuals with significant disabilities (regardless of age or income) that— (A) is designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities; and (B) provides an array of independent living services, including, at a minimum, independent living core services as defined in section 7(17).
D EFINITIONS C ONSUMER CONTROL.—The term “consumer control” means, with respect to a center for independent living, that the center vests power and authority in individuals with disabilities, in terms of management, staffing, decision making, operation, and provision of services, of the center. Board of Directors at least 51% people with a wide range of disabilities Staff is at least 50% people with significant disabilities
CIL C ORE S ERVICES Information & Referral Individual & Systems Advocacy Peer support IL skills instruction Community Transitions
C OMMUNITY T RANSITIONS Facilitate the transition of individuals with significant disabilities from nursing homes and other institutions to home and community-based residences, with the requisite supports and services Provide assistance to individuals with significant disabilities who are at risk of entering institutions so that the individuals may remain in the community; and Facilitate the transition of youth who are individuals with significant disabilities, who were eligible for individualized education programs under IDEA and who have completed their secondary education or otherwise left school, to postsecondary life.
S TATEWIDE I NDEPENDENT L IVING C OUNCIL (SILC) To be eligible to receive financial assistance under this part, a State shall submit to the Administrator, and obtain approval of, a State plan containing such provisions as the Administrator may require, including, at a minimum, the provisions required in this section. State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL)
SILC D UTIES Jointly develop and sign the State plan. Monitor, review, and evaluate the implementation of the State plan. As appropriate, coordinate activities with other entities in the State that provide services similar to or complimentary to independent living services, such as entities that facilitate the provision of or provide long- term community-based services and supports. Ensure that all SILC meetings are open to the public and sufficient notice is provided. Submit reports the Administrator may request, and keep such records, as the Administrator finds necessary.
SILC A UTHORITIES The Council may, consistent with the State plan, unless prohibited by State law— in order to improve services provided to individuals with disabilities, work with centers for independent living to coordinate services with public and private entities; conduct resource development activities to support the activities described in this subsection or to support the provision of independent living services by centers for independent living; and perform such other functions, consistent with the purpose of this part and comparable to other functions described in this subsection, as the Council determines to be appropriate
S TATE P LAN FOR I NDEPENDENT L IVING The plan shall be jointly— developed by the chairperson of the Statewide Independent Living Council, and the directors of the centers for independent living in the State, after receiving public input from individuals with disabilities and other stakeholders throughout the State; and Signed by— (i) the chairperson of the Statewide Independent Living Council, acting on behalf of and at the direction of the Council; (ii) the director of the designated State entity… and (iii) not less than 51 percent of the directors of the centers for independent living in the State.
S TATE P LAN FOR I NDEPENDENT L IVING The SPIL needs to address working relationships and collaboration between: Centers for Independent Living; Entities carrying out programs that provide independent living services, including those serving older individuals; Other community ‐ based organizations that provide or coordinate the provision of housing, transportation, employment, information and referral assistance, services, and supports for individuals with significant disabilities; and Entities carrying out other programs providing services for individuals with disabilities.
Questions??? Rodney Craig: Sara Grivetti: