PowerPoin t Fun! PowerPoint 2007 Ms. Lane-Guy Gateway High School April 2009
Hello! My name is Merlin!
Hello! My name is Merlin! (12 point font) Text size in PowerPoint should be at least 24- depending on the type of font. (36 point font) (24 point font)
7 Line/7 Word Rule or Less is Better Rule Never place more than 7 lines of text on a slide Or More than 7 words per line of type
Greetings Hello Hi Good Day Which color is the easiest to read on each color???
Animations and Transitions
Animations 1. Click on Custom Animation 2. Click on the item on your slide you want to animate
Animations Choose entrance and then from the menu choose the effect you like.
Animations After you have selected the type of entrance you want: Click on the arrow next to On Click and change to either With Previous or After Previous Next choose a speed-very fast to very slow Repeat these steps for every item you wish to animate
Transitions Choose a transition to the slide 2.Choose the Transition Speed 3.Next choose Automatically after ?how many seconds? 4.Repeat steps for every slide 1.
More on Transitions Practice your slide show using Rehearse Timings. Hit the space bar to move through your slide show at the correct pace. If happy with the timings-save.
Adding Music 1.Open Internet Explorer 2. Go to File Open and click on the Browse button and navigate to the Vol5 on Ghsmedia (I:)
Adding Music SITEDATA BUSINESS BackTraxx I or II Index.htm OK
Adding Music Listen to the different songs Select music that is the correct length for your PowerPoint. Right mouse click on the desired music and Save Target to your id #
Adding Music In PowerPoint, Insert menu- choose Sound Navigate to your ID and insert the music you chose. When asked-chose Automatically
Adding Music Check box Hide During Show
PowerPoin t Fun!