EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement RI MEDIA: motivation, mandate, scope and organization Balázs Kónya, Lund University EMI Project Technical Director Rome, 22 April 2013
EMI INFSO-RI Motivation: What sort of coordination do we need? – Lessons learned from the ”EMI times” Proposal for a different continuation of middleware development coordination: – Who? – What? – How? Outline 22/04/2013Media, Rome2
EMI INFSO-RI European Middleware Collaboration Group (EMCG) Middleware Development and Innovation Alliance (MeDIA) – ”EMI launches the new media” Middleware Innovation Alliance (Mid Inn) ? ??? About the name 22/04/2013Media, Rome3
EMI INFSO-RI We are many who like music Media: motivation 22/04/2013Media, Rome4 listen play compose
EMI INFSO-RI middleware Anarchy 22/04/2013Media, Rome5
EMI INFSO-RI or middleware Alliance 22/04/2013Media, Rome6 some sort of coordination is necessary
EMI INFSO-RI Mw coordination: past, present, future 22/04/ Standards, New technologies, Users and Infrastructure Requirements EMI common products EMI 3 yearsBefore EMIPost EMI Implemented Agreements Other products Media, Rome
EMI INFSO-RI ”Strong” control – Planning – Execution (Q.A. Q.C.) Top-down Directions set by management – External requirements Pre-defined developer teams EU project brought – Reporting and formalities – Money The teams not always liked the music they have to play – Played their own tunes – Sometimes it was unclear who belongs to a team and what is their instrument How coordination was done in EMI? 22/04/2013Media, Rome8
EMI INFSO-RI Common service monitoring CANL auth library EMI-ES job management interface StAR and CAR accounting GLUE2 adoption EMI Registry (EMIR) Emi_datalib EMI delegation Results of coordination 22/04/2013Media, Rome9 Real code, real specifications!
EMI INFSO-RI There is a need for continued coordination – Preserving the work done – Opening up to new technologies and services MEDIA: a proposal for a DIFFERENT – Interest-driven, bottom-up – long-term – open – lightweight – collaboration on middleware technology What’s next? 22/04/2013Media, Rome10
EMI INFSO-RI Uncoordinated evolution of existing services, integration with new technologies can lead to disintegration Re-establishing technical contacts, communication channels, common ”dictionary” would be very expensive Continous and pro-active sharing of information – Among middleware teams – Among developers and users Maintaining single access point to – Information – Developer teams (not a representation) – Software products (depends on efforts available) Motivation for MeDIA 22/04/2013Media, Rome11
EMI INFSO-RI Only for the INTERESTED – Full members: those who have their instrument and are ready to play – Observers: those who don’t yet know their role in the orchestra or prefer to listen to the music MeDIA is proposed by EMI project partners. Participants: – Individual people ? Institutes? – Developer teams Membership is OPEN to developer teams of middleware products – Represented by a team leader – Delegates team members to task forces MeDIA: Who? 22/04/2013Media, Rome12
EMI INFSO-RI Proposed SCOPE: Software enabling distributed computing and data escience infastructures – Fundamental domains on security, data, compute, information services providing the core infastructure layer Main commitment is towards academic and scientific research infrastructures Higher-level tools, domain specific framworks are not directly in scope MeDIA: What? 22/04/2013Media, Rome13
EMI INFSO-RI Proposed activities: Requirement sharing – Make sure user request reach dev teams – Some sort of prioritization system Roadmap sharing – Every team takes care of its own roadmap – Place to discuss and sync dev plans Technology surveys – Incl. comparison of products Shared vision... MeDIA: What? 22/04/2013Media, Rome14
EMI INFSO-RI Proposed activities: Common development – Cooperation instead of competition – When same functionality is needed by many products (e.g. Infra integration) – Preservation of common products Agreements on technology and standards to use – Selecting, profiling specs – Maintainig existing agreements – Cooperating with SDOs MeDIA: What? 22/04/2013Media, Rome15
EMI INFSO-RI Proposed activities with limited scope: Coordination of cross-product integration, testbeds – Time-limited campaigns – ”Registry” of testbed instances of developer teams Shared strategy on managing software releases – Discussion of synchronization issues – Best practices, advices – Forum for firefighting, conflict resolution – Recommendations for repositories Maintenance and support – Collect information about support channels MeDIA: What? 22/04/2013Media, Rome16
EMI INFSO-RI Proposal for a lightweight organization Collaboration without legal entity – A single document, the ”MeDIA charter” – Participation is interest-driven, bottom-up Single management group: technical/executive board (TEB) with a coordinator – TEB members and the MeDIA chair are elected by full members Actual daily work/activities are done in the task forces – Task forces can be proposed by members, TEB approval is needed – Needs a leader, brief goals document Developer teams may apply for membership by providing some minimal information – Full or observer member status – Member teams enjoy full autonomy, self-control Media: How? 22/04/2013Media, Rome17
EMI INFSO-RI Launching the MeDIA: Finalize the Media document, the charter Find devoted individuals for the interim management Identify Task forces Set up collaboration platform Joining the Media: continuous process End of the Year: Media community event – Election of the TEB, Chair Media launch: When, How? 22/04/2013Media, Rome18
EMI INFSO-RI Let’s play together! 22/04/2013Media, Rome19
EMI INFSO-RI MeDIA DRAFT proposal: emi.eu/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=764ca098-75ab b6c0-58a79f150e0e&groupId=10147http:// emi.eu/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=764ca098-75ab b6c0-58a79f150e0e&groupId=10147 Links 22/04/2013Media, Rome20
EMI INFSO-RI What activities are welcomed/to be avoided? dCache CERN Data EMIR ARC UNICORE gLite security INFN CSIC CINECA QosCosGrid [QCG - PCSS] Quick feedback from the teams 22/04/2013Media, Rome21
EMI INFSO-RI Note: task forces should be formed bottom up 1.EMI-ES 2.Accounting 3.GLUE2 migration (decommissioning older schemas) 4.EMIR roll-out 5.CANL take-up 6.To SRM or not to SRM 7.Federated storage(s) 8.Delegation 9.Service configuration (puppet) Task forces: first ideas 22/04/2013Media, Rome22
EMI INFSO-RI Communication platform Requirements? Testbed information non-task force fitting activities? 22/04/2013Media, Rome23