4 Sept 2015 Bell activity: Take out your Shield and paragraph. Today’s agenda: WORK DAY Finish your Quote of Arms shield and paragraph Take the unit 3 practice test Create your ELA portfolio folder
4 SEPT 2015 A WORKING DAY…..If you brought your own music on your phone or player and you have your own earphones you may listen to music as you work. RULES REGARDING USE OF MUSIC DURING WORK TIME: You may only listen to music The music must be school appropriate Your phone or device must be face up so I can walk by and monitor what is playing You may not share your head phones with another person The volume must be low enough that your neighbor CANNOT hear your music Your earphones and your device must be put away, out of sight when it isn’t work time and when you leave.
1 ST PRIORITY: FINISH YOUR QUOTE OF ARMS ASSIGNMENT It is officially due on Tuesday at the beginning of class. However, most of you should finish in class today and submit it to the basket. If you finish early you have these options: 1. If you have not yet turned in your 7 th Grade Selfie, finish it and submit it to the late basket. 2. Study your spelling 3. Read from your IRB (independent reading book) FIRST HALF OF BLACK
2 nd HALF OF BLOCK 1 ST PRIORITY: TAKE THE SPELLING UNIT 3 PRACTICE TEST Complete your Quote of Arms Create your ELA Portfolio Folder If you finish early you have these options: 1. If you have not yet turned in your 7 th Grade Selfie, finish it and submit it to the late basket. 2. Study your spelling 3. Read from your IRB (independent reading book)