Question 1 A: I prefer lessons where we can discuss things B: I prefer lessons where there is something to look at (like a picture, chart, diagram or video) or something to draw C: I prefer lessons where we can do something practical – or at least move around
Question 2: A: I often fiddle with things in class (a pen, paper clip or rubber band) B: I often sing or hum to myself in class. C: I often doodle in class
Question 3: A: When learning a new skill, I prefer to just get on with it. B: When learning a new skill, I prefer someone to explain to me how to do it. C: When learning a new skill, I prefer to watch someone else show me how to do it
Question 4: A: When the adverts come on the telly – I like to watch them B: When the adverts come on the telly – I get up and do something. C: When the adverts come on the telly – I like to sing along with them.
Question 5: A: I would prefer to listen to a story B: I would prefer to see a comic strip of a story C: I would prefer to act out a story
Question 6: A: I am good at learning physical skills. B: I have a good memory for peoples names. C: I have a good memory for faces.
Question 7: A: I prefer teachers who use diagrams to show us things B: I prefer teachers who get us to do something C: I prefer teachers who explain things to us.
Question 8: A: If I get in trouble in class, it’s for talking B: If I get in trouble in class, it’s for drawing on the desk or all over my books C: If I get in trouble in class it’s for fidgeting.
Question 9: A: On long journey I like to look at the scenery or read book. B: On a long journey I can’t wait until we stop so I can walk around. C: On a long journey i like to listen to music or talk to the other travellers
Question 10: A: I use my hands a lot when I’m talking B: When I am discussing something, I sometimes use words my friends don’t know. C: When I am discussing something, I like to doodle.
Question 11: A: If I could be famous, I would be a sportsperson (or dancer). B: If I could be famous, I would be a film-star. C: If I could be famous, I would be a singer
Question 12: A: I would rather go outside and play. B: I would rather watch my favourite TV programme C: I would rather listen to my favourite music.
Question 13: A: I get distracted in class if I can see something outside the window. B: I get distracted in class if I can hear something happening outside. C: I lose concentration if I have to sit still for a long time.
Question 14 A: I am good at drawing. B: I am good at making things. C: I am a good listener
Question 15: Out of these 3 jobs, I would prefer to be a: A: radio DJ B: mechanic C: artist (or a designer)
Question 16: A: In my spare time I would prefer to do something physical, such as sport or dancing. B: In my spare time I would prefer to watch TV or a video. C: In my spare time I would prefer to listen to music or talk to friends.
Question 17: A: The type of puzzle I would prefer is “spot the difference” (finn 5 feil) B: The type of puzzle I would prefer is “Name that tune” (singing bee e.l.) C: The type of puzzle I would prefer is “Rubiks cube”
We’re done!
Auditory? Visual? Kinaesthetic?
Strategies for visual learning Use graphs, maps, charts and pictures. Sit where you can see the teacher. Study in a quiet place. Use colour to highlight important points. Take notes Visualize information as a picture to aid memory. Illustrate ideas with pictures and colour
Strategies for auditory learning Use a digital recorder for notes. Create mnemonics to aid memorymnemonics Take part in class discussions and debates Read text aloud Create musikal jingles to aid memory Discuss ideas verbally with friends and family
Strategies for kinaesthetic learning Take lots of study breaks Move around when lerning new things Work in a standing position Use bright colours to highlight reading material Create posters to use in your workspace Listen to music while you study