Music is an art to produce a soothing voice for listeners to make them happy and tension free. If we are particularly talking about the fame of music then it is true that music is famous all over the world. Actually the definition of the music varies as per the culture and language of the different countries. Somewhere, music forms a basic foundation stone of the culture; some cultures are passionate about their music whereas in some other cultures music is banned but regardless of this fact, music still forms an integral part of human life.
Music is a human activity which involves structured, audible sounds and is used for artistic, entertainment or ceremonial purposes. Music is a major part of our environment. Music is often referred to as "The International Language" - a simple thought with vast implications behind it. Even if you cannot speak the language of a foreign country, you can move, dance, and most of all, enjoy the music of that country. While we may not understand the words to a particular song, we do understand the beauty of the music.
Music is not a commodity. It’s not something that people buy, or consume. It’s not a revenue stream, or a career choice. It’s an expression of the depths of peoples’ humanity. It’s an experience. Our ears bring us some of the greatest pleasure. Life is a song that plays all the time: running water, the hum of an air conditioner or computer, traffic, the soft breaths of our loved ones while they sleep.
And music touches, moves, and inspires people. It defines cultural movements, joyous occasions, painful break ups – music evokes powerful memories and responses in us. A song can forever bring us back to specific moments in our lives, to sights and smells of times that have passed us by. Music transcends time, and walks with us through our lives.
The idea of music came from the bird singing. The music was invented by the ancient scholars who pierced the bones and created music from that bones which are nowadays known as flutes. The oldest musical culture of the world is from India and the oldest music from the Hindu culture is MARGA. Music also played a crucial role in the social life of ancient Greece. Mixed-Gender choruses were performed at that time in Greece for entertainment, for celebration of any ceremony and for the express of mourns. Musicians, Singers, Actors also played outstanding role in the ancient Greek. On the other side, the most famous and well-known Arab scholar Al- Farabi also played a tremendous role for promoting music in Arabs. He wrote a book on music which was titled as Kitab al-Musiqi al-Kabir. Al-Farabi also invented many musical instruments which the Arabs still use in their folk music.
Have you considered how music affects you in your daily lives? The choices we make reflect the way we think and feel. It shows our personality and the way we feel about life. Music makes us laugh and lightens our mind. The many ways music is presented, from the old songs to the new, can be utilized to give us the best compiled list that will help enjoy life a little more.
Music can make us happier when we are happy and lift our mood when we are not. A true music lover understands the transformation that music does to us. Not all out there utilize the calming affects of music and should launch into the life changing effects that music can do. Inspiration, understanding and acceptance can all be pulled out of music when we are open to the idea that music can change us. Music can be used to increase productivity, decrease anxiety and allow us a new outlook on life. People need to embrace this and pay more attention to the effects of the music they listen to in their lives.
Good music can change our outlook and affect our soul. It is said that a positive outlook on life can change the happiness you feel. Believing in the changes music can have on emotion and behavior can lead to a more productive positive outlook on life. Music is essential and everyone should reap the positive affects and desire it invokes.