HIKE Project Overview Graham Stone Information Resources Manager/Senior Research Fellow Library Systems Programme Workshop 15 July 2013 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 #JiscHIKE
Project summary Success factors for the project To investigate and evaluate the possibility of integrating data flows between KB+ and local knowledge bases at Huddersfield and the Serials Solutions knowledgebase behind Intota To evaluate the suitability and potential of Intota as a replacement to the traditional LMS in the UK market and make recommendations for further enhancements to Serials Solutions.
Project Blog
Legacy systems Criticisms of the traditional LMS Inability to deal with the changing formats of resources, digital resources have superseded print collections often leading to complaints by staff that the system is not up to the job Confusion created by the different interfaces encountered by users as they search for information. Users familiar with the ease of searching the internet desire the same ease when searching the library for information Yongming, Wang and Dawes, Trevor A., The next generation Integrated Library System: a promise fulfilled, Information Technology and Libraries, September 2012,
Intota A single, Software-as-a-Service solution that aims to support the entire resource lifecycle for libraries, including selection, acquisition, cataloguing, discovery and fulfilment regardless of the format of the resource Described as “a true cloud computing solution” and a “total approach from end user discovery to the library’s back room” Grant, Carl, The future of library systems: library services platforms, Information standards quarterly, 24 (4) (2012), p.4-15
Knowledge Base + Developed from the SCONUL Shared Services for Electronic Resources Management Project One of the main issues that arose the SCONUL project was that management and maintenance of correct data across a wide variety of library systems is an unnecessary and costly duplication of staff time KB+ will help to alleviate this by: –Providing accurate and up to date resource management information –Facilitating the ability to share data between diverse systems
Workflows Looking for known knowns! Before we can know what we want from such a new system we need to understand the issues that arise from the workflows and processes we have in place for the current LMS and related university systems Once we have established the problems and frustrations library staff and users feel we can identify what we expect from the new systems, and where they can improve on the older models
Workflows Starting backwards We have been looking at backroom processes –Circulation isn’t broke –Systems and workflows are currently based around print not ‘e’ –Intota is being developed from the knowledge base up –KB+ is being developed as a national knowledge base
Workflows E-resources Mapped e-resource workflows as part of the ‘Shared ERM requirements project’…
Workflows E-resources Mapped e-resource workflows as part of the ‘Shared ERM requirements project’…
Workflows E-resources TERMS: Techniques for Electronic Resource Management
Workflows Acquisitions Ordering processes –DawsonEnter workflow –eBook workflow –Suppliers within the National Book contract –Suppliers outside the National Book contract
Workflows Vertical analysis showing complexity Based on Mumford, Enid, Designing Human Systems for New Technology: The ETHICS Method, Manchester, Manchester Business School, Operating activities 2.Problem prevention/solution 3.Co-ordination activities 4.Development activities 5.Control activities
Workflows Looking for efficiencies A new system would have to: –Streamline the ordering processes –Reduce the number of systems used and creating efficiencies while ordering –Create efficiencies in the initial ordering process –Reduce delays in order to shelf time –Provide instant access to e-books –Provide improved reporting features on the acquisitions module
KnowledgeBase+ Testing We have done lots of user testing! –Licences –Core subscriptions –Big deal renewals Compared KB+ with 360 Resources Manager –Aims and objectives of the 2 systems –Population of the 2 systems –Functionality of the 2 systems
KnowledgeBase+/Resource Manager Comparison To understand how the systems will help us with our workflows To access the appropriateness of each resource –For those that have both, we recommend adding data to KB+ first – others may disagree –We see KB+ as an ideal tool for those wishing to manage NESLi2 deals –360 Resource Manager is more interactive and suitable for all e- resources –However, loading data into KB+ will improve the data in 360 Resource Manager and other commercial knowledge bases
The ideal workflow? Under construction
“While some staff will eagerly and enthusiastically embrace this change, others will struggle giving up something they know to adopt the unknown, even if they know it is better than what they have.” Martin, Jason, That’s how we do things around here: organizational culture (and change) in libraries, In the Library with the Lead Pipe, August 22, 2012.
The final report …or start point! Provided a list of recommendations and implications for: –KB+ –Serials Solutions –Jisc –Wider community –University of Huddersfield
Moving forward 2013/14 Replace the OPAC with Summon (Sep 2013) Embed KB+ and 360 Resource Manager into our workflows (Dec 2013) Further revise workflows across the whole service –Circulation –Inter-Library Loans Form an Intota working party –Review other Library Services Platforms –Change management
Project Blog This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 #JiscHIKE