Why paddy seed is important Plant healthy and vigorous depend on seed quality. Directly influence to the yield Economically more benifit
SRI LANKA seed paddy production Government seed farms Self seed paddy production by farmers Private sector and other organizations.
Classes of seeds using in seed paddy production. Breeder seeds Foundation seeds Registered seeds Certified seed first generation Certified seeds
Breeder seed Purest seed of varieties obtained through selection, introduction or hybridization. Available only in small quantities. Grown by the plant breeder on government plant breeding stations. Issued to government seed farms to produce foundation seeds.
Foundation seed First multiplication of breeder seed. Grown by government seed farms. Planted to produce registered seed
Registered seed Grown by government seed farms and selected contract growers. This is the seed produced from foundation seed. Issued to contract growers to produce certified seed.
Certified seed first generation Grown by contract seed growers. This seed is produced from registered seed. Sold to farmers for general crop production
Certified seed Grown by private seed growers or contract growers. Seed produced from registered seed. Sold by private growers,co-operatives or the department of agriculture.
Certified seed paddy production Registered seeds should be used as foundation seeds. Foundation seed provide to producers by the seed and planting material development center in the department of agriculture and they are registered in the seed certification service as seed growers. Growers produce certified seeds under the supervision of the regional offices in the seed certification service.
Certified seed paddy production cont Special attention should be paid for certain activities from the beginning of the cultivation
Crop establishment Use high quality seeds Cultivation should begin atleast with registered seeds to produce certified seeds When registered seed are not available,certified F-1 seed can be used to start the cultivation.
Selecting a suitable place -A fertile soil -Easy water management -Direct sun light Plant at the correct time(according to the season) -should be a dry climate condition during harvesting period. If not it affect to the quality of the seed.
Proper land preparation -Ploughing the field according to the required depth provides a good start to the seed production. Row seedling/planting -easy to remove other verities -easy to control weeds -High yield can be obtained by maintaining an optimum plant density. -Easy to manage other cultural practices
Crop maintenance Weed control - integrated weed management. Fertilizer application -recommended fertilizers in recommended amounts at the correct time. -also add organic fertilizers
Removal of other rice varities. special attention Used characters to Identify other rice varities in the nursery/seedling stage/growth stage. -The differences in plant height -The differences in Culm(colour and angle) -Difference in leaves
-Difference in flowering -Differences in the seeds/panicles (color,size,shape and presence of awn) -Color of the grain(white/red) -The difference in the flag leaf. Plants different to the grown variety should be removed immediately from the field.
Pest and diseace control -Good quality seeds should be free from pest and diseaces. -Observe the field frequantly and take necessary action. -Protect the crop by integrated pest management.
Harvesting Should be done during the dry period Harvesting when 85% of the grains in the panicle has turned golden color. Over delaying of harvesting may affect the quality and quantity of the harvest. Harvesting should done separately if several paddy varieties are grown. Seeds should not be obtained from heavily affected fields by the pest and diseases.
Threshing Done in a manner that minimum damage occurs to the grains. Damage relatively high when using four wheel tractor. Special attention should be given to reduce the risk of mixing with other varieties
Seed processing Most of the weed seeds and impurities can be removed by cleaning. Cleaning can be done by winnowing and sieving. Properly dried seeds can be stored longer period and minimize pest and disease attacks
Storage of paddy Seed paddy should be stored in a well areated,cool dry place in order to protect its quality. Paddy is stored in gunny or polysac bags. these bags should be kept on a wooden frame or plank without touching the floor. Frequently inspection. Bags should be labeled.
HOW TO GET SEED CERTIFICATION SERVICE. Using registered seed. Grow at least 1Ac of land. Inform the closest regional seed certification service office to register the crop within 2weeks of crop establishment. At least 2weeks prior to harvesting inform to relavent officers in seed certification service and obtain a final field inspection report.
Inform the seed certification service to get seed samples for testing after seeds are processed. When the seed testing result are released,the seed bags should be laballed with the relavent seed certification label.
Standards of certified seed paddy Germination(minimum) % Moisture content(maximum) % Purity(minimum) % Impurities(maximum) % Seeds of other varieties(per500g) Weed seeds(per500g) Damaged seeds(per500g) Seeds of other crops(per500g) Appearance good Aroma good
Self seed paddy production by farmers Produce by farmers to their own use. Very similar to the certified seed paddy production practices. Better to use certified or registered seed paddy by Department of Agriculture. Observation through cultivation season for other varieties,weeds,pest and diseaces. Remove different growth stages of plant and other varieties.