The Importance of Planning
Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) is: A community-wide strategic planning tool for improving public health. A method to help communities prioritize public health issues, identify resources for addressing them, and take action.
MAPP Overview
Paradigm Shift MAPP is a journey, not a destination. MAPP is a shift in how we think about public health activities and planning with and through our communities. MAPP is a complete, long- term, system-wide PARADIGM SHIFT.
The MAPP Paradigm Shift
Three Keys to MAPP Strategic Thinking Community Driven Process Focus on the Local Public Health System
Strategic Thinking Requires broad-scale information gathering Encourages exploration of alternatives Places emphasis on future implications of present decisions Facilitates communication and participation Accommodates divergent interests and values
Community Driven Process Mobilizing and engaging the community Action with and by the community Planning driven by the community Partnerships to strengthen the community
Local Public Health System Urban Planners
Bringing Local Initiatives Together
Benefits of MAPP Creates a healthy community and better quality of life. Increases visibility of public health. Anticipates and manages change. Creates a stronger public health infrastructure. Builds stronger partnerships. Builds public health leadership. Creates advocates for public health.
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Vision: Healthy People in a Healthy South Milwaukee Mission: Provide residents with the resources and skills to be able to meet the basic emotional well-being needs Premise: There is a strong relationship between mental and emotional health, physical health, and personal well-being. A person’s state of emotional health may strongly impact their overall picture of wellness.
Goals & Strategies Provide a connection between the current reality (what the local public health system and the community look like now) and the vision (what the system and community will look like in the future) Broad long-term aims that define the desired result associated with identified strategic issues Goals = What do we want to achieve by addressing the “emotional well-being” strategic issue Strategies = How do we want to achieve it? What action is needed?
Goals 1.South Milwaukee children will be healthy and resilient with adequate coping skills making them eager and ready to learn. 2.South Milwaukee adults will have improved coping and stress management skills. 3.South Milwaukee adults will be aware of the importance of the effect of Adverse Childhood Events in the first 5 years of a child’s life.
Next Steps Review goals (alter, amend, add to, delete) Generate strategy alternatives –Include past strategies if effective Consider barriers to implementation –Insufficient resources –Lack of community support –Legal or policy impediments to authority –Technological difficulties –Limited organizational or management capacity –Others?
Your Mission Determine patterns of action, decision, and policies that guide the public health system toward a vision or goal Think about what you as an individual can contribute Think about the agency you work for/represent and what the agency can contribute
Strategy Ideas Increase opportunities for sharing stress management information Provide business owners, community leaders and parent groups brief sessions on the Life Course Rita Olson, the School Superintendent said her parent group read the book The Mindset, by Carol Dweck Open forum at Marquette on Mental Health in the community
Next Meeting Consider implementation details –What specific actions need to take place? –What is a reasonable timeline? –Which organization and individuals should be involved? –What resources are required and where will they come from? Select strategies Draft planning report (part of CHIP)