KAHRIF 2009 : The Weather Scenario Assam normally receives about 1500 mm of rainfall during June – September. As a result of high rainfall the State experiences 2-3 waves of flood every year. During 2009 monsoon season, an unprecedented rainfall pattern has been observed in the State – both in terms of total rainfall and its spread. The State has experienced drought situation since March, The overall rainfall deficit in the State of Assam has been recorded as (-) 35% by 30 th June, (-) 27% by 31 st July, (-) 13% by 31 st August and (-) 18% by 15 th September, Even though the deficit reduced to (-) 13% and (-) 18% by 31 st August and 15 th September, 2009, yet there was a wider variation in rainfall deficit in the various districts in the State ranging from (-) 20% to (-) 65%. The State Government has declared all 27 districts as drought affected on 22 nd July, 2009.
Period / MonthActual rainfall received Rainfall pattern in the State Rainfall pattern in the Districts April, mm against normal rainfall of mm (-) 22% (deficient) Deficient rainfall in 12 districts ranging from (-) 24% to (-) 80%. May, mm against normal rainfall of mm (-) 45% (deficient) Deficient rainfall in 17 districts ranging from (-) 30% to (-) 86%. June, mm against normal rainfall of mm (-) 35% (deficient) Deficient rainfall in 17 districts ranging from (-) 20% to (-) 77%. 1st June to 31st July, mm against normal rainfall of mm. (-) 27% (deficient) Deficient rainfall in 14 districts ranging from (-) 20% to (-) 72%. 1st June to 31st August, mm against normal rainfall of mm. (-) 13% (normal) Deficient rainfall in 6 districts ranging from (-) 21% to (-) 63%. 1st June to 15 th September, mm against normal rainfall of mm. (-) 18% (normal) Deficient rainfall in 7 districts ranging from (-) 20% to (-) 65%. KAHRIF 2009 : The Rainfall Pattern
AFFECT OF DROUGHT The deficit rainfall caused widespread damage to Kharif crops in the State. Crop area of about 8.70 lakh hectares has been affected covering lakh farm families in villages. Winter (Sali) Paddy seedlings of 60,000 hectares have been affected by drought. In some areas Sali Paddy seedlings had to be raised more than once. It has been estimated that lakh hectares out of targeted lakh hectares of Winter (Sali) Paddy area have been covered and 1.48 lakh hectares (8% of targeted area) remain uncovered during Kharif, AFFECT OF DROUGHT ON WINTER RICE DURING Area affected due to Drought8.69 lakh ha. (48% of targeted area) Total loss of Winter Rice production in 2009 (anticipated) 4.76 lakh MT (16.2% of targeted production of lakh MT) Anticipated loss in terms of moneyAbout Rs crore.
Crop Achievement 2009 (Anticipated) Anticipated increase / decrease in 2009 over Autumn RiceArea % Production % Productivity % Winter RiceArea % Production % Productivity % JuteArea0.60 No. change Production (lakh Bales) % Productivity % SugarcaneArea % Production % Productivity % ANTICIPATED ACHIEVEMENT OF KHARIF CROPS Area, Production & Productivity of Kharif crops. (Area in lakh hectare, Production in lakh MT & Productivity in Kg. per hectare)
CropAchievement2009 (Anticipated) Anticipated increase / decrease in 2009 over Kharif Maize Area % Production % Productivity % Kharif Pulses Area % Production % Productivity % Kharif Oilseeds Area % Production % Productivity % Kharif Vegetable Area % Production % Productivity % ANTICIPATED ACHIEVEMENT OF KHARIF CROPS Area, Production & Productivity of Kharif crops. (Area in lakh hectare, Production in lakh MT & Productivity in Kg. per hectare)
Crop area of about 8.70 lakh hectares covering lakh farm families in villages has been affected due to drought during Kharif, It has been estimated that lakh hectares out of targeted lakh hectares of Winter (Sali) Paddy area have been covered and 1.48 lakh hectares (8% of targeted area) remain uncovered. Approximate loss caused by drought is about Rs crore. Government of Assam has taken / proposed certain measures to overcome the crisis arising out of the drought situation so that the loss incurred by the farmers can be compensated. PROGRAMME IN DROUGHT AFFECTED AREAS Immediate Measure in Kharif – To run the diesel operated pump sets for life saving irrigation to standing crops, diesel has been distributed to the farm families having STWs / LLPs. Rs lakh has been provided to each of 27 districts for the purpose. 600 nos. of mobile Low Lift Pump sets have been distributed to field for providing immediate irrigation to protect the standing crops. Proposed programme in Rabi - Special programme on Rabi crops viz., Boro Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Lentil, Pea, Mustard and Potato to cover an area of 4.30 lakh hectares.
AREA, PRODUCTION & PRODUCTIVITY OF RABI CROPS (Area in lakh hectare, Production in lakh MT & Productivity in Kg. per hectare) Crop Achievement (Target) Targeted increase in over Summer (Boro) Rice Area % Production % Productivity % WheatArea % Production % Productivity % Rabi MaizeArea % Production % Productivity % Rabi PulsesArea % Production % Productivity % PROGRAMME FOR RABI :
AREA, PRODUCTION & PRODUCTIVITY OF RABI CROPS (Area in lakh hectare, Production in lakh MT & Productivity in Kg. per hectare) Crop Achievement (Target) Targeted increase in over Rabi Oilseeds Area % Production % Productivity % Rabi Vegetables Area % Production % Productivity % Area targeted during Rabi, : Rabi foodgrains8.40 lakh hectare Rabi Oilseeds3.90 lakh hectare Rabi Vegetables2.06 lakh hectare Total :14.36 lakh hectare Cropping Intensity152% (target) PROGRAMME FOR RABI :
SPECIAL RABI PROGRAMME, (Under CRF for Drought Affected Families) Sl. No. Input ( Seed )Physical (Quintal) Area to be covered (Ha.) Expected Production (MT) 1.Mustard Lentil Pea Wheat Maize Potato Boro Paddy EXPECTED OUTCOME OF SPECIAL RABI PROGRAMME Foodgrain production :5.62 lakh MT Oilseed (Mustard) production :0.93 lakh MT
S E E D Sl.Crop Estimated Requirement for Normal & Special Rabi Programme Quantity to be made available from different sources ASC Ltd.Other source (RG, NSC Ltd., US Ltd., TDC, etc.) 1.Boro Paddy Hybrid Rice2017Nil Mustard Wheat60000 Nil Peas12413Nil Lentil Maize5175 Nil Potato50000 Nil Sesamum168 Nil Vegetables1465 Nil 1465 REQUIREMENT & ARRANGEMENT OF CERTIFIED SEEDS (in quintal)
REQUIREMENT OF FERTILISER DURING RABI, Requirement (in MT) Urea DAP50000 MOP70000 SSP60000 NPK Complex (10:26:26)20000 Total FERTILIZER MANUFACTURERWISE ALLOTMENT OF FERTILISER ManufacturerAllotment (in MT) UreaDAPMOPSSPNPK Complex (10:26:26) BVFCL No GOI’s allocation against requirement of MT during Rabi, IFFCO IPL TAI TCL Total :
PREPAREDNESS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF RABI PROGRAMME, Full Utilization of provisions of the schemes - NFSM-Rice, RKVY, Macro Management, Horticulture Mission, State Plan etc. Institutional tie-up with ASC, NSC, RSG, NAFED and private agencies for streamlining flow of seeds taken up. Seed Replacement Rate target has been fixed for Paddy at 40%, Mustard 51%, Wheat 64%, Maize 100%, Blackgram 100%, Greengram 88%, Peas 75%, Lentil 100% and Sesamum 20%. For the ensuing Rabi season the consumption target of fertilizer has been kept at Kg per hectare against consumption of 97.5 Kg per hectare during Rabi Tie up arrangements have been finalized with fertilizer manufacturers both under ECA and decontrolled fertilizers to ensure timely availability of fertilizers to farmers. Fertiliser supply agencywise targets have been fixed.
CROPWISE STRATEGY FOR RABI, Rice : 1. Coverage of 100% area under HYV of Summer Rice. 2. Expansion of Summer Rice area to 5.75 lakh hectare from 3.60 lakh hectare. 3. Targeting additional production of 7.23 lakh MT. 4. Expansion of Rabi Foodgrain area by 3.50 lakh hectare. 5. Expansion of area under Hybrid Rice. 6. Promotion of varietal diversification. 7. Increasing Seed Replacement Rate to 40%. 8. Ensuring availability of quality Seeds & Fertilisers. 9. Popularizing new technologies like SRI, weed control methods. 10. Emphasis on Soil Health Management.
Summer Rice Cultivation Summer Rice Area & Production (Target) Area (lakh ha.) Production (lakh MT) Productivity (Kg. / hectare)
Oilseeds & Pulses : 1. Adding additional area of 0.27 lakh hectare under Rabi Pulses and 0.61 lakh hectare under Rabi Oilseeds. 2. Targeting rice fallow and low flood affected areas. 3. Increasing SRR & VRR. 4. Promoting life saving irrigation through sprinkler / flow method. 5. Promotion of new technologies / practices. 6. Introduction of Rabi Pulse as intermediate crop under irrigated condition. 7. Utilising riverine / char area for Rabi Pulse and Oilseed cultivation. 8. Ensuring availability of quality seeds and fertilisers. 9. Focus on pest management. CROPWISE STRATEGY FOR RABI,
Oilseed (Mustard) cultivation Oilseed Area & Production (Target) Area (lakh ha.) Production (lakh MT) Productivity (Kg. / hectare)
Mechanization : Massive mobilization of tractors and power tillers provided to farmers to catch up timely tillage operation. Already 5,100 nos. of tractors and 15,500 nos. of Power Tillers have been provided to farmers. Additional induction of machineries with support from Central and State support schemes and EAP to achieve desired status of 1.30 HP per hectare of farm power at the end of 11 th Plan Period. In addition to the existing farm power, it has been targeted to distribute 334 nos. of Tractors (under Asom Vikas Yojana / Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project) and 727 nos. of Power Tillers (under RKVY / Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project) during the remaining period of New farm machineries like Rotavator, Reaper / Binder, Zero Tillage Planter & Combined harvester have been introduced. Agricultural Engineering Workshops will be strengthened in phase manner for production of small machineries / equipments. STRATEGY FOR RABI,
Farm mechanization : The change in tradition - from man to machine... Already distributedTo be distributed during Total Tractor Power Tiller
Irrigation : Full utilization of 4.02 lakh hectares of command area so far created by Agriculture Department through installation of 2.01 lakh STWs and LLPs under various schemes / programmes. Additional area of 1.12 lakh hectares will be brought under assured irrigation through installation of 39,784 nos. STWs (under RKVY / Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project), 15,950 nos. LLPs (under State Priority Scheme / Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project / Horticulture Technology Mission) & 49 nos. DTWs (under RKVY) during the remaining period of the year. Also, 3,500 hectares will be covered under Flow Irrigation under RKVY during the year. 2,021 hectares have already been brought under Micro-irrigation Facility (Drip Irrigation) under Horticulture Technology Mission. Another 200 hectares will be covered under the scheme during remaining period of STRATEGY FOR RABI,
Farm mechanization : The change in tradition - from man to machine... Already distributedTo be distributed during Total STW & LLP2.01 lakh0.56 lakh2.57 lakh DTW49 nos. Flow3500 ha. Micro Irrigation2021 ha.200 ha.2221 ha.
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