Supporting Further and Higher Education Resource Guides Jo Badge
Supporting Further and Higher Education Resource Guide Initiative Social Sciences pilot 1998 Rolled out to Arts & Humanities Independent evaluation led to current roll out to five more subject areas
Supporting Further and Higher Education Resource Guide Initiative JISC funded July 2002 to October 2004 Promotion of JISC electronic resources Some non-JISC resources included to maintain credible subject guide
Supporting Further and Higher Education Resource Guide Audience UK Higher Education Librarians Information specialists Undergraduates Postgraduates Academics Postdoctoral staff
Supporting Further and Higher Education Relationship to RDN Each adviser based with/close links with RDN hub Independent from RDN Promote RDN hubs as part of Resource Guide Natural relationship of collaboration and joint work
Supporting Further and Higher Education Advisory Group Meet three times a year Users, providers, learning & teaching support staff Advises on –Content, scope –Dissemination –Project planning
Supporting Further and Higher Education Scope Policy Inclusion criteria –RDN quality criteria –Relevant to community –Fit within categories –JISC collection
Supporting Further and Higher Education Scope Policy Non-JISC collections –Appropriate funding source –Freely available /access through Athens –Highly relevant to user community –Named contact –Lends credibility to the subject guide
Supporting Further and Higher Education Scope Policy Exclusion Criteria –Sections under construction –Contravenes JANET acceptable use –Only small proportion relevant –Simple list of links –Does not comply with copyright law –Not regularly maintained
Supporting Further and Higher Education Resource Guide output Website Printed guide Training materials & Events Key conferences & exhibitions
Supporting Further and Higher Education Website New site in progress Review content and have sought input from key experts Categories as piloted under Social Sciences
Supporting Further and Higher Education Printed Guide Two guides ready for December 2002, others to follow February 2003 Site listings and descriptions Pilot year, next editions released October 2003
Supporting Further and Higher Education Training Materials & Events Workshops for librarians, information specialists, learning support staff Hands-on experience Workshops directly for user community
Supporting Further and Higher Education Engineering, Mathematics and Computing Sarah Kelly Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Subjects include all areas of engineering, mathematics and computing.
Supporting Further and Higher Education Geography and the Environment Adam Gardner, JRULM University of Manchester Subjects include geography (physical, spatial and human), environmental sciences and environmental studies (including policies)
Supporting Further and Higher Education Life and Health Sciences Jo Badge, University of Nottingham Subjects include biology, dentistry, biochemistry, biomedicine, medicine, veterinary sciences, allied health, pharmacy and the natural world.
Supporting Further and Higher Education Physical Sciences Gillian Sinclair, JRULM University of Manchester Subjects include astronomy, physics, chemistry, material and earth sciences.