7 June 2011 Andrew Young Aspect Management
History of the project Project outputs Current developments
Started in AMHEC HEIs HEFCE funded (GMP initiative) Agreement between HEIs to share data and benchmark Subscription funded
Benchmarking software developed Annually share financial data Range of reports analysing costs of activities Data download to Excel 6-8 Workshops per year Process benchmarking ‘Quick wins’ KPI development Creating peer group networks
Quantitative Benefits Informs Corporate Planning Process Assists in budget setting and review Provides peer group benchmarks Detailed benchmarking data for support services running costs
Additional HEFCE LGM Funding Develop the project in the sector beyond AMHEC Create new ‘clusters’ for peer benchmarking Develop the software for the wider HE sector Create a website for signposting benchmarking activity in HE Incorporate UK Audit agencies VFM Indicators
Website developed Rebranding the software Software development New reporting tool Adding the NAO VFM Indicators New cluster of HEIs to undertake pilot phase
More HEIs to become members of the project Recognise the importance of benchmarking Increase in demand for benchmarking activity More cost effective than commercial benchmarking activity Does not duplicate HESA/HEIDI data and analysis A benchmarking initiative ‘owned by the sector’