Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Prepared by Paul Lambert and Simon Sikora, Practice Education Coordinators, NHS Education for Scotland Presented by Paul Lambert, 25 January 2008, PEPE Conference Edinburgh, UK Supporting a community of practice for nursing, midwifery and allied health professions practice education facilitators using the NHS e-library’s ‘Shared Space’ : Evaluation and lessons learned from the first year.
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Overview Practice Education Facilitators as a Community of Practice NHS E-library and Shared Spaces Evaluation of the Practice Education Shared Space Implications and Developments
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Practice Education Practice education infrastructure and NHS Education for Scotland >130 Practice education facilitators across all NHS Health Boards Practice education coordinators introduced by NES in 2006
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Practice Education Practice education infrastructure and NHS Education for Scotland >130 Practice education facilitators across all NHS Health Boards Practice education coordinators introduced by NES in 2006
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Emergent Community of Practice ‘…the wide range of education which takes place in the practice setting; along with the supporting infrastructure for learning which ultimately enhances (client) care’ (NES Report of 3 Regional Practice Education Events, 2006
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary The NHS Scotland e-library and Shared Spaces
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Practice Education Shared Space
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Evaluation of the PE Shared Space The First Year Methodology Usage statistics from NHS e-library On-line survey of Shared Space members Descriptive statistics and content analysis
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Survey Results 40 respondents (31% return rate) 60% (n=24) rated their IT skills as good or very good 98% (n=39) had access to a computer at work or at home 39 respondents used the e-library for literature searching Near universal use of (n=39) with much smaller numbers using social networking sites (n=3) or instant messaging services (n=7)
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Survey Results 30 respondents had accessed the shared space in the last 6 months Usually once per week (n=14) and most often for 5-15 minutes (n=19) Most popular features were shared documents Least popular features were discussions Strong professional preference Improvement required to some technical/structural aspects
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Survey Results Key perceived barriers to use: Not enough time in my day Long up and download time Confusion about the structure Suggested Improvements “Quicker Uploads” “Improved Alerts” “Simplified Structure”
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Survey Results 10 respondents had not used the shared space in the previous 6 months most common reasons: “I don’t like electronic discussion forums” n=4 “I lack confidence with IT” n=3
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Discussion Membership and page views Nurturing communities of practice New technologies: Geoffrey Moore’s Technology Adoption Life Cycle Integrated vs Separate e-Tools Other factors
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Discussion Membership and page views Nurturing communities of practice New technologies: Geoffrey Moore’s Technology Adoption Life Cycle Integrated vs Separate e-Tools Other factors
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Discussion Membership and page views Nurturing communities of practice New technologies: Geoffrey Moore’s Technology Adoption Life Cycle Integrated vs Separate e-Tools Other factors
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Implications for the Practice Education Shared Space Control expectations, work with early adopters before mainstream rollout Generate internal leadership Nurture and support from outside, including content support Link into wider e-health agenda for NMAHPs
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Implications for the Practice Education Shared Space Control expectations, work with early adopters before mainstream rollout Generate internal leadership Nurture and support from outside, including content support Link into wider e-health agenda for NMAHPs
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Multidisciplinary Acknowledgements Annette Thain and Lynn Caldwell, NHS e-library NMAHP Practice education facilitators from across Scotland Neil Ballantyne for a nudge in the right direction References Dalsgaard, C (2006) Social Software: E-Learning beyond Learning Management Systems, EURODL available from Wenger, E (1998) Communities of Practice: Learning meaning and identity. Available from Ross W and Stewart (2007) NHS E-library Shared Space Evaluation Project, Unpublished, Available from author.