July 2002PMI-SOC FY Business Plan Program Adrian Stetter Program Director June 30, 2002
July 2002PMI-SOC FY032 Outline Introduction Vision Short-term (1 Year) Mid-term (2-3 Years) Long-term (>3 Years) Measures of success
July 2002PMI-SOC FY033 Introduction - Responsibilities 1.The main activity for the Component membership – monthly Dinner Meetings meant to combine networking with professional updates. 2.Promoting actively networking among the members 3.Promoting alternate events to improve communication between members and the PMI, as well as among members.
July 2002PMI-SOC FY034 Introduction – Current Organization Project Responsible 1. Networking (Process) Helenn Sriubiskis 2. Dinner Meeting (Program)Adrian Stetter 3. Alternate Venue (Project) Branco Tosic & Feedback record 4. Breakfast Meeting (Program) Rita Trudeau 5. Alternate Events (Program) Michael Stanleigh 6. Publicity & Reporting(Process) Donna Pickel asst: Sedef Arslan 7. SponsorshipTim Crooks
July 2002PMI-SOC FY035 Vision The main interest of the members is in networking. While promoting the interaction among the Component members, the Program shall ensure the benefit of members through Professional Development Enrichment, Professional Affiliation and Coordination with other Component committees. Through its activities the Program will focus on building professionalism in Project Management. With an open door to non members to all activities, we will promote project management as a profession
July 2002PMI-SOC FY036 Short-Term (1 Year) Goals 1.Dinner Meeting presentations to target a high (senior) professional level, while case-studies are alternated with theoretical topics. 2.Promote alternate events, which may have an entry / mid level presentations. 3.Maintaining the feed back initiative an its follow up 4.Securing sponsorship for all events
July 2002PMI-SOC FY037 Short-Term Tasks 1.To implement the feedback forms for Dinner Meeting presentations (to include evaluation of the evening and suggestion of topics and speakers). Branco T. 2.To transfer the Component promotional corner to the Projects Committee. 3.To establish a liaison with the Communications Committee for the promotion of the Program / Events. Donna Pickel 4. Liaison with Project World Adrian S.
July 2002PMI-SOC FY038 Short-Term Projects 1.Dinner Meetings - Schedule / Speakers Start date - in progress Project Manager: Adrian S. ( Published twice a year – July & October) Networking Promotion Throughout the Season Project Manager: Helenn S. 3.Contact with other Chapters for program ideas: Start date: - September 2002 Project Manager: Branco T. 4.Breakfast Meetings every 2 months without summer break: Start date – December 2002Project Manager: Rita T. 5.Networking evening & Project forum December 2002 Project Manager: M.Stanleigh June 2003“ 6.Implementing regular reportingProject Manager: D. Pickel 7. Sponsorship Project Manager: Tim Crooks Start date - in progress
July 2002PMI-SOC FY039 Short-Term Resources 1.Bond Exec resources : * Crucial role in ensuring registration and payment for Component events (resources to be established by Shari based on participation) * Dorit B. for mass for Program promotion for specific events, on an “as needed” basis, to be confirmed. * Implementing specific advertising & reporting 2.Volunteers: To be established by the Program Committee for each specific event. Actually 2 volunteers with assignments: Jim Williams - equipment ( Wireless mike, Data Projector) Rhonda Theaker - reporting 3.Budget: See separate presentation attached.
July 2002PMI-SOC FY0310 Short-Term Resources Budget ( summary) for 2002 – 2003: Income Costs Dinner Meetings52,955 53,655 Breakfast Meetings 3,375 4,575 Income from Sponsorship 8,000 Operational expenses 4,400 Program related BondExec 3,200 Totals: 64,330 65,840
July 2002PMI-SOC FY0311 Mid-Term (2-3 years) Goals To increase participation from 4 to 6 % of membership (approximately 170 in average for the year) To establish a review process for the Program Committee activity. To establish and implement a Speaker selection policy
July 2002PMI-SOC FY0312 Mid-Term (2-3 years) Projects * Creating a pool of local speakers for the Component events to be complemented with other speakers at events in vicinity. * Reaching out for Corporate Sponsorship for the program activities Establishing a process of advertising the Chapter’s events beyond the Chapter own Web site and Newsletter.
July 2002PMI-SOC FY0313 Long-Term (>3 years) Goals To be perceived by our members and by other external organizations as a valuable source of local project management information and as an effective link to PMI global activities and events. By its purpose, the Program activities must be “actual” and responding to membership expectations. Therefore, there is a commitment to ensure that the short and mid term goals may establish valuable basis for… new short and mid term goals.
July 2002PMI-SOC FY0314 Measures of Success Item Objective 1) Participation 150, then 200 2) Feedback Form High rating and suggestions 3) PMI award Superior Performance Award 4) Alternate Events To maintain satisfaction level
July 2002PMI-SOC FY0315