1 Payroll Reps Meeting Payroll Topics Presentation February 15, 2008 School of Nursing- Small Auditorium
2 Payroll Topics Presenters Candace Chow- –Payroll Manager- Financial Services Stephen Eddy- –Enterprise Application Specialist- CITS Pat Holmes- –Manager- Cost Analysis & Studies Susan Beckerman- –Enterprise Application Specialist- Financial Systems
3 Payroll Topics Agenda FSPR Personnel New T&L procedures Account code vs. account EFP Inquire page New user procedures (access & training) PA form service date changes Direct Deposit advice suppression Check register report changes T&L archiving
4 FSPR Personnel
5 Lisa Hartman- Payroll Supervisor Rita Marable- Payroll Accountant Sonia McCain- Payroll Associate Still recruiting- Sr. Payroll Accountant
6 New T&L Procedures
7 New T&L procedures Currently allowed to enter Regular, Shift & OVT on Mondays- no leave should be entered Starting Monday, February 18 th no T&L data entry should begin until the is received from FSPR (generally on Tuesday)
8 Account Code vs. Account
9 Account code vs. account Reminder that “account” and “account code” are 2 very different numbers People have been entering the ACCOUNT in the Account CODE box on the PA form The projects associated with account codes , , etc have been charged incorrectly
10 PA Form Account Code This field is NOT for the 4 digit account such as 1012 or It is for the 10 digit HRMS account code that is not found in the Financials system.
11 How to Find the Account Code Enter Project ID All CA roles have access to this menu item Note that a project can have more than one account code if there is more than one fund, program or department. Be sure to choose the correct one.
12 EFP Inquire Page
13 EFP Inquire page Problem occurs when an employee is RETROACTIVELY moved from one department to another –Ex. In December an Employee Action form is submitted that moves employee from Dept A to Dept B effective July 1 st
14 EFP Inquire page After the effective date of the transfer, the EFP Inquire page displays only the new department EFPs –Ex: Employee has EFPs in Dept A with effective dates between 7/1 and 11/15. When employee is transferred in December effective 7/1 to Dept B the EFPs dated 7/1 through 11/15 in Dept A will no longer be seen All EFPs can be found in the Dept Budget Earnings under the Department Budget Table (Include History must be clicked)
15 Dept Budget Earnings
16 New User Procedures Access & Training
17 New User Access Complete User Access form found at: User needs to know which roles s/he will be assigned in order to get the correct training Access form must be sent to the CITS ASC Help desk
18 Transferred User Access A new user access form overrides old access –If user is helping out old department then 2 new access forms must be completed Old department should submit access form to remove access- don’t wait for new department
19 New User Training HRMS Send to FSPR to request training for T&L and/or CA training (both will include the Intro to HRMS) FSPR staff will contact requester with options- generally one-on-one but sometimes small groups Financials
20 Transferred User Training If “roles” have not changed then no additional training is required If new role has been assigned then training is required for that role
21 Payroll Adjustment Form Service Date Changes
22 PA Forms New form for Prior Pay Period adjustments Revised Payroll Adjustment form for all other transactions No longer use earnings code PAJ- the functionality is replaced with earnings code RRR (amounts only) Include Paygroup on both forms
23 Where to Find Paygroup
24 Revised vs. New Forms
25 Direct Deposit Advice (DDA) Suppression
26 DDA Suppression CPB allows employees with Direct Deposit to access the DDA via their webtool- POSC (Payroll Online Service Center) UMB employees can only enroll in the DD “Web Only Access” via the eUMB system
27 DDA Suppression There are two ways for an employee to suppress the printing: –PR Reps enter the selection in eUMB via Manager Self-service We suggest departments have employees sign form to indicate a choice to stop receiving DDA (see sample) –Employees enter the selection in eUMB via Employee Self-service
28 DDA Suppression In a normal payroll processing period, selection must be entered by COB on Monday after a payday to be in effect for next payday Employees can flip back and forth each pay period although this should not be encouraged
29 DDA Suppression There will be no mass communication of this new feature from central administration to employees It is up to each department/school to communicate to their own employees
30 DDA form
31 Enter via Employee Self-service The default is “NO” Employees can change to “YES”
32 Enter via Manager Self-service Payroll Rep can change the selection in eUMB for an employee
33 View in Administer Workforce Defaults to “unchecked” so employee receives DD advice.
34 CPB’s POSC This is where an employee will find the DD advices Relatively new functionality for employees to make changes directly at CPB without doing any paperwork through UMB Link tells USM employees to contact the HR dept to enroll
35 Check Register Changes
36 Check Register Changes Check Register report has been updated to include a column to indicate whether DDA has been suppressed Parameter to exclude suppressed DDAs Removed columns not used Employees with concurrent jobs appear in department where they have the “Primary” job
37 Check Register Changes Paycheck Dept is the Dept of Primary Job at the time the Gross Pay was sent. Current Dept is the Dept of Primary Job at the time the check register is run A *YES* will appear in this column for those employees who are NOT receiving a printed DD advice from CPB
38 Time & Labor (T&L) Archiving
39 T&L Archiving Over 5 years of T&L data is stored in “live” tables Slows down Time Admin processing and is rarely accessed Need to remove data from “live” tables and store in an “archive” table
40 T&L Archiving We will archive the “Reported” and “Payable” time data once a year around the end of the fiscal year for the prior calendar year Ex.- In June 2008 we will archive all T&L data through 12/22/07 If data is needed for periods already archived, send request to FSPR and they will retrieve your data
41 Questions? Please contact FS-Payroll if you have questions regarding this presentation –Phone: –