Team Dynamics & Conflict Management
Team Dynamics H Storming Performing Task Forming Norming L L Relationship H
Team Dynamics H High Performing Contentious Difference of Opinions Group Think Impoverished L L Integration H
What is Conflict? Competitive or opposing action of incompatibles Antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, interests or persons) Struggle resulting from incompatible needs, drives, wishes or demands Hostile encounter
Sources of Conflict Content/Issue Relationship/Style Goals Methods Procedures Data Roles Concepts Relationship/Style Personality Clash Value Differences Style Differences Cultural Inappropriate Communications
Misconceptions Conflict is always negative and destructive Confronting an issue or a person is always unpleasant Conflict within groups is a sign of low concern for the team Conflict if left alone will take care of itself The presences of conflict in an organization is the sign of a poor manager
Common Team/Group Problems People do not speak openly Questions are not asked Lack of focus Team members do not finish assignments Too many tasks going on at one time Lack of coordination One team member talks all the time Several people fight over everything Small arguments turn into fights
How to Prevent Conflict? Agree to disagree Encourage each other Focus on the journey not the destination Understand benefits of group learning Pay attention to different learning and communication styles Avoid triangle communication
Team/Group Contracts Share contact information Create ground rules Process when disagreement/conflict occurs Divide tasks – Roles & Responsibilities Identify team leader Agree on desired outcome(s) Plan meetings - when, where, how, how often Create and follow action plan with specific timelines (include the exact time of day items are due)
How to Make Meetings Work
P.A.C.E.R. Purpose: why are we meeting, what do we hope to accomplish? Agenda: The topics we are going to cover, the time allowed for each, and who will lead discussion Code of Conduct: How are we going to act, resolve problems, etc.? Expectations: What do the participants expect from the meeting? Roles: Who is going to do what?
Purpose Why are we meeting? What do we hope to accomplish? The purpose of the meeting is? The objectives are?
Agenda The topics we are going to cover The time allowed for each Who will lead the discussion of each topic? We review the agenda before the meeting We create an agenda before we have a meeting
Code of Conduct “Ground rules” = How a team communicates How the team makes decisions How the team resolves conflicts Actively listen/consider rights of others Stay focused/Avoid tangents No “sidebar” conversations Honor time limits/Reiterate action items
Expectations What do the participants expect from the meeting? Capture action items/assign them to someone/set delivery date Arrive on time/don’t miss meetings
Who is Going to Do What? Facilitators – manages discussion/asks questions (“How do we make this decision?” “What are the things we can agree on?”) Recorder – Captures basic ideas, decisions, actions items, task assignments, send meeting minutes to all instructors.
Who is Going to Do What? Time Keeper- keeps meeting/agenda on time; Stops meeting Team Leader – coordinates task assignments and communications. Makes sure all instructors see meeting minutes
Parking Lot Ideas not on the agenda Items can move from parking lot to next meetings agenda, if the group approves movement
Participation Of the information you receive, Without active participation you retain: 10% of what you read 20 % of what you hear 30 % of what you see 50 % of what you see and hear
Team Problem Resolution Process Initiate plan for non-compliance Not meeting commitment dates Not completing assignments Not attending meetings Other-based on team agreement
Team Problem Resolution Process Discuss issue with team member Document discussion & outcome Implement non-compliance plan Notify faculty advisor Start process early Documentation required
Recommendations from Students Start project early Set the meeting times during the first class Get cross-functional team together early (Brainstorming Session) Learn about the budgeting process, and apply it to the case Produce a written task time-line for each member
Factors for Successful Teams Head conflict off at the pass Common Goal/Focus Agreed-Upon Process/Method Mutual Trust and Support Full Participation/Involvement Positive Communication Commitment to Team Success
Final Thoughts At the end of each meeting list benefits and concerns Benefits are activities or thoughts that have worked out well Concerns are roadblocks. What makes you feel uncomfortable? We list them/review them to find solutions Review Parking Lot