FP OntoGrid: Paving the way for Knowledgeable Grid Services and Systems Communication in the consortium Review meeting Delft, April 2005
2Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 ToC 1.Meetings 2.Mailing Lists 3.The OntoGrid Portal 4.The Wiki
3Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 Meetings Plenary meetings Kick-off meeting: Oct. 7-8, 2004, Manchester 1 st Plenary meeting: Jan , 2005, Madrid 2 nd Plenary meeting: April 11-13, 2005, Delft 3 rd Plenary meeting: June, 2005, Athens Virtual Meetings 3 Phone calls: Sept, Nov, Dec. Access Grid Meetings every two weeks since February 2005 Technical Meetings Oct , 2004, Grid Course UPM- Isoco. Dec., 3 rd, Anotation. UoM-UniLiv Nov. Concertation Meeting Sept , 2004 Brussels Exchanges inside the consortium Feb , 2005 Manchester hosted Manolis Koubarakis
4Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 Communication in the consortium Four mailing lists For all project members EPMB PMB members + substitutes ontogrid- Access Grid mailing list Extranet and Intranet hosted by UPM Wiki hosted by UPM
5Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 Dissemination The Portal ( Sept 04) based on Ontologies Tool for managing the project
6Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 O1O1 O2O2 OiOi OjOj Portal Administrators Ontologies and Software Different users = Different perspectives Extranet Users Agents OntoGrid partners Permission-based Semantic Driven User Oriented EPMB Non funded members
7Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 ODESeW Technology IST FP FP FP February 2003February 2004 September 2004 October November 2004 May 2004
8Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 OntoGrid Users T 10.2 OntoGrid semantic portal implementation D10.1. OntoGrid Website Content: Domain, functionalities and architecture of the OntoGrid website (portal and wiki). Delivery date: M 6. Contributors: UPM. QA Partner: Acklin.
9Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 OntoGrid portal ontologies Person Ontology Project Ontology Organization Ontology Event Ontology Documentation Ontology belongs to / team is formed by is author of / has author has person leader / leads has associated meeting is associate with / has associated generates / is generated by participates in / is developed by leads / has contractor leader has authoring partner has associated / is associated has associated is contact person / has contact person has contact person has / is associated with is associated with has Q.A. partner has involved partner / works in works in / has p p is involved in / has p leader is responsible of / has person leader summarize organizes
10Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 Documentation Ontology Person Ontology Project Ontology Milestone WP workload is made up of has participant with workload has Deliverable has associated is deliver in is author of has contact person Person WorkpackageTask works in is involved in leads is WP leader OntoGrid portal ontologies
11Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 OntoGrid portal running since October The portal has high visibility: First in Google. The content of the KW portal is continuously updated by OntoGrid partners: Project Organization Person Event Documentation OntoGrid portal
12Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 UPM is hosting and running the OntoGrid portal. Statisitcs Up to March 31st 2005 OntoGrid portal statistics
13Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 OntoGrid Wiki Document repository, with the documents that must be developed collaboratively. Common medium to discuss topics relevant to each of the workpackages. Actors: Wiki Manager. User and page structure management. Wiki User. Exchange files, discuss specific topics, collaborate in the writing of deliverables. Based on
14Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 OntoGrid Wiki Structure Meetings Plennary meetings Technical meetings Access Grid meetings Phone conferences Reviews Meetings by date Workpackages Meetings Deliverables Discussion topics Useful references Glossary Agenda Slides Minutes Table of Contents Main milestones Draft versions
15Review Meeting - Delft, April 2005 OntoGrid Wiki Statistics UPM is hosting and running the OntoGrid wiki. Statisitcs Up to March 31st 2005