Growth Meeting February 17,
2 This is the Company………. This is the company that puts mascara on lashes and food on tables. That fights wrinkles with one hand and breast cancer with the other. That knows the value of a perfect lip, but still opens its mouth & speaks out against Domestic Violence and for women’s financial independence. This is the company that not only brings beauty to doors, but also opens them. The Company that supports 6 million Representatives in over 100 countries. This is AVON! The Company that for 125 years has stood for beauty, innovation, optimism, and above all, For Women! 2
3 Our Agenda Introductions: - Name - How long you’ve been selling - Why you sell AVON Recognition: PC Goals Review Prospecting Attract and Retain Customers 3
Recognition Traci Soto – C3 & C4 Sales = $700+ 4
President’s Club – Setting Goals President’s Club Cycle: C – C Customer Orders: 16 x $25 = $400 Campaign Goals: $389 per campaign Annual Goal = $10,100 5
Prospecting Tools Needed for Downline Prospecting: Business Cards Prospecting Flyers Advertise Prospecting flyers available on under Sales Leadership New Customers 6 Prospect! Prospect! Prospect! Anytime, Anywhere, Always, Ask! Maintain high exposure in Community with Local Fairs/Events Follow-up with previous “no’s” quarterly Advertise with name tags, Avon Logo items…Samp le & Demo Products Maintain high exposure in Community with Fund- raisers Use power of 3 Request referrals from Current Customers Tools needed for Customer Prospecting: Business Cards Brochures Advertise Avon Advantage on offers a variety of business and advertising tools as well as
Prospecting Prospect for Customers and Downline Members anytime, anywhere… Doctors / Dentists Offices Local Malls / Retail Stores Retirement Homes Veterinarian’s Offices Dressing Rooms Model Home Centers Car Repair Waiting Rooms Temporary Staff Offices Real Estate Agent Offices Laundromats Florists Convenience Stores College Campuses Pet Stores Grocery stores Public Restrooms Dance Studios Restaurants / Drive-thru’s Library Mortgage Offices Beauty Parlors Supply Stores Video Stores Nail Salons / Spas School Admin. Offices Unemployment offices Tax Preparation Offices Print Shops Banks / Credit Unions Insurance Offices Fabric Stores Dry Cleaners Tanning Salons Pharmacies Dairy Queen/ Baskin Robbins Car Dealerships Bus Stops Bagel Shops Vitamin / Health Stores Movie Theatre Lobbies Donut Shops / Bakeries Senior Activity Centers Jewelry Stores Deli’s / Café’s YMCA / Gyms Emergency Clinics Bowling Alleys Day Care / Activity Centers Garage Sales Family and Friends Have Business Cards and labeled Brochures and Prospecting flyers with you everywhere you go! 7
Promote Your Business Always have appropriate prospecting tools and samples and a small note pad. Set a goal for the day, and incorporate the Power of 3 (or more!) into your daily activities. 8 Avon Business Cards. Give them to everyone you meet. Avon Shopping Bags/Apparel. Make it known that you’re an Avon Representative. Customer Appreciation Month. Have different “special” offers planned each campaign & tag them in the brochure. Avon Parties/ Open Houses/Grand Openings. Invite some friends over and ask them to bring a friend, have refreshments, give some free samples and show a few demos. This is a great environment for building strong, loyal customer relationships. Garage Sales. Browse neighborhood sales – talk with everyone you meet. Make a brochure "flag”. Use Post-Its or fold the pages that you think might attract a new Customer. Follow Up! If no order, place a call to loyal and new potential Customers with whom you gave prospecting flyer. A simple reminder and follow-up call will get you more order s.
30 Ways to get New Customers 9 1.Use the “Power of 3” – Make 3 new contacts every day. 2.Increase the number of brochures ordered by 10 every campaign. 3.Leave a brochure at 1 new business every campaign. 4.Wear an Avon logo pin or shirt – It’s free advertisement to those who don’t know you are an Avon Rep. 5.Have 1 product each campaign that is the campaign special – Hand out info and samples about it to every contact and offer a discount of 10% or 20% if they purchase it in that campaign. 6.Have a positive attitude – It sells. 7.Find helpers in businesses, churches, schools, etc. and reward them for taking orders for you. 8.Stress the Avon unconditional guarantee. 9.Remind customers that they can charge their order – They normally buy more that way. 10.Advertise a “NEW CUSTOMER SALE” – Choose 2 or 3 products each campaign and offer a special discount to “FIRST-TIME” customers. 11.Have an “OLD-TIMERS” special – Offer a special discount, a free product or a free trial size to any regular customer who gets you a new customer. 12.Have a special raffle drawing for any customer who has a minimum $20.00 order. 13.Place business cards on every available bulletin board. Leave them on restaurant tables, in public areas. 14.Provide a business card holder and cards to any business owner who will allow you to place it in the counter. 15.Offer free gift-wrapping for your male customers.
30 Ways to get New Customers Know your products!!!! Make brand comparisons and provide copies for your customers. 17.Have a home party!!! Offer an Avon gift certificate to the hostess. 18.Wear different Avon fragrances – when people ask which fragrance you are wearing – offer them a brochure, a business card and a sample. Get their contact info as well! 19.Attend sales meetings faithfully!!! You will always learn something new to pass on and you can personally see and experience many of the new products. 20.Use your vehicle to advertise and/or add a yard-sign that you sale Avon. 21.Advertise in local papers – Especially clearance sales, special discounts, or introduction of new products. 22.If you want bigger sales, talk to your district manager – She’s been there and done that. 23.When you have a garage sale – Set out samples, brochures, and extra products. 24.Give each customer an extra brochure and ask them to give them one to family and friends. 25.Give a brochure and sample to every person behind the check-out counter. 26.Put books in day care centers. 27.Have an open house of Avon products during holiday seasons and offer free gift wrapping. 28.Carry a “BARGAIN BASKET” – Purchase inexpensive products from outlet flyers and sell these to people who do not want to place an order. Also a good way to sell unwanted products that may accumulate. 29.Keep extra products on hand for people who may need a gift to give on the spur of the moment. 30.Talk to every customer about hosting an eParty.
Retain Customers FORTUNE IS IN THE FOLLOW UP! 11 Meet the Customer Needs! ALWAYS Order Samples for Crossing Selling Demonstrate Products Focusing on High-Ticket Items Order Daily Needs Products for Impulse Buying KNOW your Products --- Sell the Benefits Know Customer Birthdays and Special Occasions Offer Promotions For Customer Loyalty Bundle Product Regimens – Supports Link Selling ….Therefore, Show your Customer you Value her Business by calling her every campaign. Review your Key Elements Flyer!
Create Repeat Customers Skin Care Regimen Make Up Fragrance Hair Care Bath & Body Foot Care Jewelry 12
Closing Remarks Growth Meeting Dates: 965 Timber Creek Way Columbus, GA 6:00pm: –03/16/2012 –04/27/2012 –05/25/2012 –06/22/2012 –07/20/2012 –08/17/2012 –09/14/ /26/
Closing Remarks Next District Sales Meeting (Kirsten): – 2/23 11:00 or 6:30pm Hampton North off Veterans Growth Meeting Topics –- I want to hear what you’re interested in, it’s all about YOU! Use the resources made available to you at Check out Set Goals 14