RTF Management Update Jennifer Anziano Regional Technical Forum May 12, 2015
Topics for Today Upcoming subcommittee work New measure proposals from BPA Upcoming meeting topics 2
Guidelines Subcommittee We have been collecting suggested Guidelines revisions – Focused on suggestions made through April ‘15 (for this update) Proposed revisions include – Syncing Lifetime and Cost/Benefit volumes with Roadmap and Savings – Adding in Cost Effectiveness language – Adding in Research Plan Process – Several other changes Review internally then engage Subcommittee to weigh in on proposed changes and review language If you want to be involved in the Guidelines Subcommittee, there is a sign up sheet 3
Residential Lighting Updating the Residential Lighting (CFLs and LEDs) measure for the June RTF Meeting Big piece of analysis is updating the baseline – Using sales data from NEEA and BPA Planning a subcommittee call to review the analysis assumptions – May 26 9:00-11:00 (tentatively) If you want to be involved in the this subcommittee (and didn’t already get the with the doodle), there is a sign up sheet! 4
New Measure Proposals Reminder from the RTF Manager We are always open to new measure proposals – You can work with the CAT to help define the proposal – You can also use the New Measure Proposal submittal form We are also open to proposed changes to our existing measures 5
Upcoming Meeting Topics Anticipated for June Implementing MH calibration (Proven – measure updates with calibration) – MH HVAC measures – MH New Construction measures Residential Lighting (Proven – measure update) Refrigerator/Freezer Decommissioning (Proven UES update) Heat Pump Water Heater (Planning UES – adding a Tier 3) CVR/VO (Under Review SP) 6
Upcoming Meeting Topics (cont) Items on radar for July and beyond Behavior SP (Under Review; will start to develop path for this one) Low-e Storm Windows (New UES) Thermostatic Restriction Value (New UES) Multifamily Weatherization (last OOC measure) Res Advanced Power Strips (Planning UES) Res Heat Pump Upgrades NC (Proven UES update) Refrigerator/Freezer Decommissioning (Proven UES update) Prescriptive Duct Sealing (Planning UES) Also, working on longer term measures, such as: Non-Residential Lighting Code Compliant (new SP) New Homes Standard Protocol (new SP) Guidelines Updates 7