AIAA “State of the Union” April 2015 Sandra Magnus Executive Director
Operations Financial Trends 3
Continuing Operations Results 4
Revenue by Area 5
Expense by Area 6 Expenses include direct expenses, labor & fringe
Net Margin by Area 7
Forum Key Indicators SciTechAviationP+ESpaceTotal FY14 Budget2,4911, ,200 FY14 EAC1,7361, ,428 FY14 Actual1,7361, ,644 Actual v Budget %-30%-16%-12%-40%-25% Actual v EAC %+19%+11%-15%+5% FY15 Budget1,9901, ,600 FY13 Actual4,897 8 FY14 key indicators were worse than budget by 25% but better than EAC by 5%. FY15 Budget key indicators are 1% less than FY14 results and 6% less than FY13.
2016 and 2017 Venues SciTech 2016: 4-8 January, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, CA [contracted] 2017: 9-13 January, Gaylord Texan, Grapevine, TX [contracted] DEFENSE Finish DEFENSE 2015 was successfully held in March at Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, MD. –Team evaluating a DEFENSE 2016 with expanded content at the same location AVIATION 2016: June, Washington Hilton, Washington, DC [contracted] 2017: RFP sent to Denver, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Salt Lake City, and Honolulu –Responses due 5 January; staff will evaluate proposals in January 9
2016 and 2017 Venues (continued) Propulsion & Energy 2016: July, Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, UT 2017: July, Hyatt Regency Atlanta SPACE 2016: September, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, CA [Contract being negotiated] 2017:TBD 10
Organizing Committee: Proposed Structure 11 Forum Project Manager Forum 360 Chair Forum Technical Chair Public Policy Topics International Topics Education Topics Rising Leaders Topics Deputies Discipline Chairs (TCs/PCs) Discipline Chairs (Supporting Organizations) Liaisons from Supporting Societies Local Chair Local Section Representative Student Branch Representative Composition of Local Organizing Committee to be determined Recognition Public Outreach Membership Forum General Chair Programmatic Topics (e.g., CASE)
Governance Study Started with a Blue Ribbon Panel chartered by the IDC in January 2014 Members Dr. Wanda Austin - CEO, The Aerospace Corporation Dr. John Langford - CEO, Aurora Flight Sciences Lt. Gen. (ret.) George Muellner – Chairman of the Board, Air Force Association Dr. B.P. (Bud) Peterson - President, Georgia Institute of Technology Ken Sanger - Director, BCA 787 Airplane Development Purpose Examine the AIAA governance structure and benchmark against our “industry” and make recommendations for improvement Goal Want AIAA to be forward leaning, flexible and relevant 12
Approach Review Current State Financial Status Volunteer and Staff Organizations –RAAs; Strengths and Weaknesses Evaluate Alternate 501(c)(3) Organization Models Make Recommendation
14 AIAA Organization – Current State PRESIDENT** Jim Albaugh PRESIDENT-ELECT** vacant PAST PRESIDENT** Mike Griffin VP – EDUCATION** Steve Gorrell VP - PUBLIC POLICY** Mary Snitch VP – PUBLICATIONS** Vigor Yang VP – MEMBER SRVCS** Annalisa Weigel VP – TECHNICAL** Dave Riley VP – STANDARDS** Laura McGill VP – INTERNATIONAL** Susan Ying DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Basil Hassan DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Bob Lindberg DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE Neal Barlow DIRECTOR - INT’L Shamim Rahman DIRECTOR - INT’L Scott Eberhardt DIRECTOR - INT’L Kevin Massey (TAC) DIRECTOR - TECHNICAL Jim Keenan DIRECTOR - TECHNICAL Peter Montgomery DIRECTOR - TECHNICAL Nancy Andersen DIRECTOR - TECHNICAL Jim Rankin DIRECTOR - TECHNICAL Jeff Hamstra DIRECTOR - TECHNICAL Dimitri Mavris DIRECTOR - TECHNICAL Achille Messac (RSAC) DIRECTOR - REGION 1 Ferdinand Grosveld DIRECTOR - REGION 2 Alan Lowrey DIRECTOR - REGION 3 Sivaram Gogineni DIRECTOR - REGION 4 Jayant Ramakrishnan DIRECTOR - REGION 5 Laura Richard DIRECTOR - REGION 6 Jane Hansen DIRECTOR - REGION 7 Luisella Giullichi EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Sandy Magnus Chief Operating Officer Angelo Iasiello SEC./TREASURER Bill Seymore VP – FINANCE** Bob Winn * - Non Voting Member ** - EXCOM Member VP Elect – INTERNATIONAL* John Evans VP Elect– PUBLICATIONS* Frank Lu VP Elect– STANDARDS* Allen Arrington Young Professional Liaison* Ryan Rudy Student Liaison Cheryl Bloomberg
Findings BoD operates more like a management team and less like a governance team BoD provides limited strategic guidance Focus is too often on day-to-day staff matters Board members often represent silo interests vs what is best for the Institute as a whole BoD is considered too big to efficiently govern AIAA is too slow at pursuing new opportunities on establishing domain in growth areas, and thus loses out to other organizations BoD lacks true International representation All but one BoD position are filled by U.S. Citizens 15
Findings (cont.) BoD and Staff have been reluctant to sunset legacy activities that are losing value BoD lacks accountability Bylaws say little about the BoD’s RAA Staff is engrossed with supporting traditional needs Insufficient time spent on new pursuits Staff is too dependent on the BoD to take action on pursuing growth areas Current BoD alignment does not create an environment for another organization to want to merge for concern of losing identity 16
Recommended Path Forward Need a small (6-12) institute wide, strategically focused governing body Need to maintain tactical leadership roles as well Need more International representation in governance Constitution and By-Law changes will be required Establish a working group to identify new Governance structure External Consultant will facilitate task Working group to consist of 8 people 2 from IDC 2 Vice Presidents 1 Director-Technical 1 Director –Regional President Executive Director 17
Diversity Working Group Chair: Susan Frost, NASA Ames Working Group Charter, objectives and Tasks defined Develop a uniform definition of diversity to be used throughout AIAA that is congruent with AIAA’s vision and mission Create recommendations for identifying and developing a standard set of strategic metrics and milestones for evaluating the diversity plans Establish sub working groups to identify and recommend activities and resources that they deem important under represented members. Sub Working Groups Defined Academia & University Student Outreach Industry, Government, and K-12 STEM Outreach Diversity Programming Leadership & Growth Education & Communications Open call for participation – 26 members expressed interest Each self selected the sub working group of interest –Leaders of sub groups selected 18
Engineers Week 2016 AIAA, in partnership with Boeing and SAE, is a main sponsor for Engineers Week 2016 Planned activities include Global Day of the Engineer Girl Day Future City Competition Global Marathon New Faces of Engineering Recognition Educator Recognition Awards 19
Engineers Week Call to Action – May 2015 Begin to think about ways your organization, region, or local section can celebrate Engineers Week Check for ideas and AIAA’s 2015 activities are at Plan to participate in the Engineers Week kickoff webcast in September (final date TBA) Contact Craig Day at to be kept apprised of planning and volunteer opportunities throughout the 20
Attended CESSE Mid-Winter Meeting Attended Pioneering Space Summit Visited with Delaware Section Attended California Aerospace Days Visited with Sacramento Section Visited with LA-LV Section Visited Mesa and supported Tucson Section Visited Northern New Jersey Section Attended DBF Attended Space Symposium Attended Region 4 Student Paper Competition (and visited with Houston Section) Visited with Cedar Rapids (students and section) Attended Region 5 Student Paper Competition 21 Out and About