2006 FSUTMS/CUBE Voyager Model Conversion & Support Survey Model Task Force Meeting December 2006
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 1 Annual MTF Survey October 25-November 17, 2006 Participants 58 Participants MPO’s, FDOT, Consulting firms Introduction
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 2 Introduction Purpose: “FDOT’s Systems Planning Office administers the FSUTMS (Florida standard model) User Satisfaction and Support Survey annually as part of its quality assurance process. This survey gives the opportunity for the Model Task Force and Citilabs (software vendor of Cube/Voyager) to evaluate the quality of the products and services provided to the Florida modeling community.”
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 3 Introduction 14 Questions: Model Task Force Support FDOT Technical Support Citilabs Support Rating Scale 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree)
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey Model Task Force Support (Questions 1 to 3) Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree FDOT Technical Support 1. MTF providing clear direction and guidance to Florida modeling community 2. MTF adequately addressing modeling needs 3. MTF implementing standard procedures and state-of-the-art modeling practices statewide and issues of FSUTMS users
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 5 Model Task Force Support (Questions 1 to 3 Summary) Respondent Comments Florida MTF Headed in right direction Still many uncertainties Need faster standardization progress
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey FDOT & Users’ Group Support (Questions 4 to 6) Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree FDOT Technical Support 4. FSUTMS users’ groups help disseminate new modeling technology and policy direction 5. FSUTMS workshops meet users’ needs 6. Technical updates, manuals, newsletter, web portal, and user survey meet expectations
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 7 FDOT & Users’ Group Support (Questions 4 to 6 Summary) Respondent Comments Users’ Groups Create good knowledge-sharing atmosphere Need more outreach to non-modelers Statewide Training Workshops Difficult due to differences in local models Most web site downloads not yet available Newsletter very informative
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey Citilabs Support (Questions 7 to 9) Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Citilabs Support 7. Citilabs provides adequate technical support in a timely manner 8. I am satisfied with the solutions to specific 9. The Cube Voyager software meets my technical questions provided by Citilabs overall modeling needs 3.60
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 9 Citilabs Support (Questions 7 to 9 Summary) Respondent Comments Good quality and timeliness of responses Mixed response on Voyager Conversion of models still in transition Issues with PT program Failure to integrate ArcGIS into Cube
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 10 Suggestions for Model Task Force Adopt statewide standards Document each model’s non-standard aspects Short-term and long-term plan of activities Funding for surveys More interaction with traffic ops and PD&E More frequent MTF meetings Convey reasons for conversion delays Address problems with FTA acceptance of FSUTMS More technical presentations Fewer committees
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 11 Suggestions for Citilabs Improve Cube’s help menu and documentation Fix PT Update and improve scripting process Complete ArcGIS integration Develop script writing manual Better guidance on transit and toll modeling Enhance Cube’s analysis and reporting capabilities Coordinate better on conversion status
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 12 Suggestions for FDOT Planning More MPO-specific model training More computer-based or web-based training Detailed guidance on post-processing procedures Ensure accuracy of non-MPO county networks Better communication on research projects and future directions Faster progress on standardization Address outdated networks, zone structure, and socioeconomic data Address previous MTF meeting feedback
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 13 Action Plan Model Task Force Working with FTA on PT modeling issues Develop 5-year work program for FSUTMS Reorganize committees Citilabs Working with MTF to fix PT issues ArcGIS integration making progress Beef up technical support Committed to working with MTF
2006 FSUTMS/Cube Voyager Model Support Survey 14 Action Plan FDOT Systems Planning Office Working on FSUTMS standardization Implement 5-year work program for FSUTMS Revising training work program