Atmospheric Validation Working Group Members (23): Heather Graven, Manvendra Dubey, Arlyn Andrews, David Baker, Kevin Bowman, Martha Butler, Jim Collatz, Ken Davis, Riley Duren, Marc Fischer, George Hurtt, Lucy Hutyra, Daniel Jacob, Christine Kang, Ralph Keeling, Thomas Lauvaux, Junjie Liu, Chip Miller, Thomas Nehrkorn, Tom Oda, Nick Parazoo, Crystal Schaaf, Steve Wofsy
Focus: Integration of atmospheric measurements and modeling to study carbon exchanges using “top-down” approaches Progress: Gaining awareness of current methods, activities and challenges, many common to several different projects Discussing various types of atmospheric data and their uses and limitations Providing more detail about the available CMS products to facilitate their integration in current projects Making other available resources known to the community, e.g. library of footprints from WRF-STILT Considering role of atmospheric studies to meet MRV needs and potential synergy with MRV working group and CMS Applications Team Atmospheric Validation Working Group
Monthly telecons on CMS and related atmospheric projects Started June 2014, participating on each call Jim Collatz – CMS land carbon flux products Thomas Nehrkorn and Lucy Hutyra - Regional CO 2 inversion for the Boston-DC corridor Gretchen Keppel-Aleks – Use of TCCON data to evaluate land carbon fluxes Riley Duren – Understanding user needs for MRV Arlyn Andrews – CarbonTracker-Lagrange
Survey questions from Atmospheric WG What atmospheric data are being used in your project? What atmospheric models are being used in your project? How could the integration of atmospheric data or models be enabled or improved in your project, e.g. what atmospheric data or model products would you like to be made available?
18/52 projects are using atmospheric data # of projects
17/52 projects are using atmospheric models Atmospheric models and reanalyses # of projects GCMs # of projects Tracer models # of projects
24/52 projects had suggestions for integration with atmospheric models or data Comparison of complementary top-down studies, potentially at different scales Comparison of top-down and bottom-up studies, e.g. forest change, coastal fluxes Integration of top-down and bottom-up studies for sectoral attribution Improved data availability, e.g. drilling data, meteorological data, early access to provisional data, more GHG observations and/or alternate types (aircraft) Integration of atmospheric data into corrections for remote sensing products
Atmospheric WG breakout topics Future activities Survey results Other topics of interest: Responding to stakeholders’ needs Integrating in situ and column data Role of atmospheric studies in quantifying land sink of CO 2 Role of atmospheric studies in evaluating CH 4 inventories and land models Defining background composition for regional inversions Evaluation and regime selection for atmospheric models