Certified Evaluation Plan Training Module Products of Practice, Student Voice Surveys December 2014
Products of Practice Teachers may provide additional evidence to support assessment of professional practice. Quality valued over quantity. Evidence should provide specific information about teacher practice & should relate directly to domains of the Framework for Teaching. DCPS Certified Evaluation Plan, Page 9
Potential Sources of Evidence Student work products Curriculum units, lesson plans Self-reflections Other? DCPS Certified Evaluation Plan, Page 10
Organizing Evidence Upload artifacts into CIITS Other electronic means (Word, Excel, PDF documents, audio/video files) Print copies Other?
Student Voice Survey Basics DCPS to administer in March 2015, using the IC student portal (approximately 20 minutes to complete). Each school has a “Building Coordinator”. All students in Grades 3-12 will participate.
SVS Basics, continued Certified teachers of these students will receive student feedback from ONE class (at least 10 and target is 20+). Parents may choose for child to “opt out” of survey. Results are expected 4 weeks after spring window closes.
SVS—Question Structure Organized around seven elements of teaching practice ◦ Support ◦ Transparency ◦ Understanding ◦ Discipline ◦ Engagement ◦ Nurturing ◦ Trust
SVS—Types of Questions Focuses on statements such as, “My teacher explains difficult things clearly.” Students will select one of five possible responses which range from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Grade 3-5 questions Grade 6-12 questions
SVS—Additional Background Info Who will administer the surveys? Teachers will administer the survey to students in their class/section. How will the data from the Student Voice Survey be used? Teachers will use data to inform instruction and classroom practice. Teachers and building administrators will use data to determine potential areas for professional learning and teacher support.
SVS—DCPS Evaluation Connections Results from both formative and summative years will be used to inform Professional Practice in the summative year. The use of the Student Voice Survey results to inform Professional Practice will be based on a trend over time of at least two years, and it should reflect a pattern in the results. DCPS Certified Evaluation Plan, Page 10