2006 CMBG Conference Sam Melton Supervisor, Configuration Management Brunswick Nuclear Plant Progress Energy June 11-14, 2006 Richmond, VA CM04 Facility Configuration Information Change Process
2006 CMBG Conference CM Process Model Change Facility Configuration Information? Design Output documents (drawings & specs) Operational Configuration Documents Other operating, maintenance, training, etc. Evaluate Identified Problem or Desired Change Change Facility Configuration Information ? Change Design Requirements ? Change Physical Configuration ? Do Nothing More CM Equilibrium Physical Configuration Change Authorization Process Design Requirements Change Process Facility Configuration Information Change Process No Yes No CM004
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process It ain’t over till the paperwork’s done!
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process Initiators –CM02: mismatch between design requirements and other CM elements prompts change to design requirements. –CM03: mismatch between physical plant and other CM elements prompts change to physical plant. –CM04: mismatch between elements of facility configuration information prompts change to facility configuration information ALL MISMATCH RESOLUTIONS EXCEPT RESTORE WILL RESULT IN FCI CHANGE
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process Initiators –Engineering Change process – desired/planned update to design requirements –Work Management process – resolution of discrepancies discovered during work, implementation of authorized changes not directed by EC process –Corrective Action Process (CAP) – resolution of CM mismatches documented via CAP –Procedure development process –Informal processes – minor improvements, trivial problem resolutions, sub-tier processes
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process Characteristics of FCI –Defined: content, format, quality is specified, usually in a procedure –Controlled: revision level, status, storage and distribution –Tracked: meta-data (index information) exists in a record system –Owned: mechanism for update exists with defined responsibilities, including approval authority –Verifiable
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process Initiating Change –Process driver defines need for change –Usually embedded in other process –Process requirement includes record identification and definition of what in the existing record must be changed or what is the content of a new record. –Process may initiate a stand-alone FCI process (for example, CAP investigation creates action for Procedure Revision Request)
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process Tracking Change –FCI process or initiating process flags FCI record to identify that a change has been initiated –Status of FCI record or change record indicates status of development and implementation of revision –Users of FCI record consider the impact of pending change on the use of FCI (for example, Verify Working Documents)
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process Developing Change –FCI change process is defined Method Format Content Review –Impact of change on other FCI is considered –Impact of change on organizations (Change Management) may be in FCI process or in initiating process
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process Scheduling Change –Usually driven by initiating process –Sometimes driven by FCI process –Always driven by resource –Can be established as a restraint For Engineering Changes, can be tied to Operations Turnover Can be tied to Change Closeout Another example – Procedure on hold (prevents use until revision is issued)
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process Other Issues Document Priority –Mechanism to classify documents based on importance –Used to aid in scheduling changes –Used to aid in determining distribution Document Hierarchy –Mechanism to aid in resolving CM mismatches between documents
2006 CMBG Conference FCI Change Process Other Issues Unincorporated Changes –Long term (or forever) tracking of changes in lieu of incorporation to ensure impact is evaluated –Used for low priority documents with few likely changes –Risks: error-likely situation, user frustration –Benefits: resource application efficiency Training –CM training typically focuses on problem identification and physical change –Important to include FCI, particularly status control
2006 CMBG Conference Facility Configuration Information Change Process QUESTIONS?