1 Automatic Tracing of Program and File Changes on IBM i Inside Change Tracker
2 Internationally renowned IBM i solutions provider since 1983 Product lines: iSecurity Infrastructure Security iSecurity Application Security System tools: file editor, performance tuning NEW! Database access software (patent pending)- Fits all the above product lines Products installed in over 35 countries, more than 12,000 licenses Worldwide distribution network IBM Advanced Business Partner Partnerships and product integration with major global security (SIEM) providers: IBM (including Tivoli and Q1Labs), HP, RSA enVision, GFI, Imperva, Splunk,… About Raz-Lee Security
3 The Need for Change Management Changes in production libraries can adversely affect company business Such changes auditing is currently enforced (answered by CMS or manual logs in notebooks or Excel) Standard Change Management System (CMS) solutions are problematic: Expensive Complex to implement Not feasible for SMBs Not “bullet proof” (depended on obedience to procedures)
4 What is Change Tracker? Change Tracker is a product which automatically tracks changes in production libraries No human intervention is required It tracks the changes in Real-Time The product reads the QAUDJRN in Real-Time (like Vision, Mimix etc.) Periodic mode is also available Green version + GUI (Java on Eclipse) of outputs ready Notes: Periodic Mode is for customers which do not log to QAUDJRN The rest of this presentation concentrates on the Real-Time mode
5 Real-Time Mode: How it Works Changes to production files are accepted at real time from QAUDJRN Changes identified as effecting production libraries are considered Changes are tracked for: Native libraries IFS Directories, Documents Folders System libraries (PTFs) Object info retrieved (modules in ILE, *OWNER/*USER authority) Source used for the object & related information are saved by CT Optional tracing of activity in source file is tracked The result is that Change Tracker has: Full information about the transaction Full information about the object Backup of the contributing sources
6 Change Tracker Dedicated to monitoring and logging object changes Especially those made to production libraries At both the source and object levels Relies solely on the actual updates within a library No manual intervention is required Based on the QAUDJRN system journal Robust and comprehensive solution that cannot be bypassed Working in real-time, it can automatically record every revision Collects all information relevant to the modifications made
Automatic Identification CT automatically identifies: The environment of the change (e.g. JDE-TEST) The project that the change belongs to (e.g. REL-11.2) The native object attribute (e.g. RPGLE, DSPF) The IFS object attributes (e.g. ZIP/TAR, C) For system object – the License Product, PTF ID (or violations) The executor (e.g. ALDON) The automatic identifications can later be modified As per the executor the product may skip farther processing for known CMS
8 Reports: Report Generator Full set of reports provided with the product All created by the Report Generator & Scheduler (included) Comprehensive filtering, sorting, distinct values only Output *, *PRINT, OUTFILE, GUI HTML, PDF, CSV with support Comprehensive filtering, sorting, distinct values only Scheduler Multi LPAR consolidated reporting (with Central Admin) Report carries full explanation for auditor, statistics, list of LPARS included
9 Benefits to the Organization Management Tracing activities Zero time implementation No procedure change Auditors Traces 100% of changes Even those done without CMS All changes: Native, IFS, PTF Programming Interface to PDM Auto backup Compare sources Restore source with original date and time
10 Change Tracker vs. Change Management System (CMS) Feature Change TrackerCMS Track activityAutomaticHuman responsibility, error prone Full tracking100%No Cost7K30K+ ImplementationImmediateLong, Complex Auditor interactionby
11 Ensures the auditability and validity Changes within production libraries which cannot be circumvented as may occur when using a CMS Very rapid implementation Enables organizations to install, configure, implement and quickly benefit Full tracking of all change details Including creation, deletion, modifications, etc., ensures total accountability and transparency Instant status report generation Adds to auditor's productivity and throughput Change Tracker is competitively priced Major Change Tracker Benefits
12 Potential market Large companies with ALDON - as complementary product with CMS - as complementary product (+ foot in the door) without CMS - as initial “poor man’s” CMS product + foot in the door SMBs Change Tracker is the only affordable & manageable product Should raise awareness for need of CMS
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