Fleming Systems Renewal Project Project Evolve An update on Core Information Systems at Fleming Fleming College December, 2005
Project Timeline Update Project Charter complete and signed off. Planning and scoping is complete. Communication plan in progress. Configuration of all modules is in progress. Legacy data conversion is in progress. Testing to begin early in the new year.
Project Major Milestone Dates Campus Solutions Finance Human Capital Management
General Benefits Enhanced on-line, self-service transaction processing for students and staff; Increased time for handling exceptions; Enhanced data analysis and reporting capabilities (integrated database); Unified visual experience in all systems with single sign-on capability; Commonality and standardization of information; Technology support integration (common platform); Leveraging vendor support and functionality enhancements.,
Student Benefits
Campus Solutions Benefits Enhanced on-line transactions between students and the campus community; Access a full student view, including Financial Aid (i.e., bursary information); Access student and academic information easily through ad-hoc tools, reports and on-line functionality; Automatically evaluate all applications, reducing errors / quicker response; Communicate with students in many different ways and track all communications (Comments, Communications & Checklists); Manage course based and program based registrations and academic planning; Track historical program versions as courses are added/dropped from curriculum;
Campus Solutions Benefits Effectively manage data and resources with extensive analysis and reporting capabilities; Effectively manage and monitor students from prospect to alumni; Integrate student financials with accounts payable for refund processing and Financial Aid; Support unique offerings – Continuing Education, Specialized Programs, etc.; Perform an integrated Degree Audit. Ensure compliance with legislative reporting requirements;
Process Changes On-line student transaction processing; Change in front-line functions/skills from data processing to analysis; Integrated database – one ID per person (i.e., students or employees); Move to a standardized credit system for calculating level and load; Use of GPA in academic progression rules; Auto-evaluation of applicants; Managing and streamlining communications with students; On-line view of all student information, including financial aid;
Quick Enrolment
Service Indicators
Finance Benefits Flexible Chart of Accounts structure enhances reporting capabilities; Streamlining the purchasing process (automated approval process); Online receiving; improving the accounts payables process; Handling and managing vendor contracts online; Track and record vendor conversations enhancing vendor relationships; Automated disbursement reconciliation process reducing processing time; Integrated finance systems improves reconciliation and reduces manual intervention; Reduce month end / year end processing time allowing Fleming to meet the new government Financial Consolidation Reporting.
Finance Process Changes More flexible Chart of Accounts structure enhances reporting capabilities; Automated purchasing requisitioning and approval process; On-line budget enquiries with drill-down capability; Consistent reporting tools (nVision); Broader access to vendor data.
Finance – eProcurement Requisitions
Finance – Create a Voucher
HOD Benefits Employee self service functionality (ePay, eProfile); Enhanced Human Resource planning tools; Complement tracking through Position Management; Integrated product suite improves financial reconciliation processes; Integrated database (Campus Solutions, HCM) reducing maintenance; Basis for future HR planning modules (Recruiting, Manager Self- Service)
HOD Process Changes Self-service for employees; Driving the hiring from the position management perspective rather than a payroll perspective; Use of reporting and analytical tools to support HR planning, given the integrated database capabilities. Integrated part-time contract bolt-on.
HCM - ePay
HCM - eProfile
Change Management Timeline
Challenges Individuals and departments must be prepared to embrace some significant work process change; Integrated databases require institution-wide data management rigor and cooperation; With all large system changes there will be a difficult adjustment period right after the new system is launched; Single-expert syndrome. In some cases only one individual really knows the business process; Establishing “best practices” - modify business processes (versus customize).
Supporting the Change Training – Our approach with the consultant will be to train core staff, before, during and after the transition. Plus we will use a train-the-trainer approach in an ongoing way; Cut-over day front line support; Backfill and overtime support where appropriate; Communication – we have a formal plan, it will be frequent and transparent; Feedback – formal feedback mechanisms to help us deal with issues and improve the process; A formal project implementation methodology to lower risk.
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