BUSRP PI meeting 6/11/2013 Stefano Monti Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling Core
Progress Report Carcinogenicity biomarker development Work (partially) supported by BUSRP admin supplement Manuscript accepted to PLoS ONE Gusenleitner D, Auerbach S, …, Sherr D, Monti S. Project 5 RNA-seq data processed and analyzed Interpretation of results ongoing Project 4 RNA-seq data processed and analysis ongoing
Normal effect of PN Ctl-MO DMSO PXR-MO DMSO PXR-MO PN Ctl-MO PN Effects of PN background of reduced PXR Background : Role of PXR in normal homeostasis Effects of PN Background also changing PN: Pregnenolone MO: Morpholino Project 5 Study design 4 samples each Testing the effect of pregnenolone in normal and PXR knockdown zebrafish Daniel Gusenleitner, Francesca Mulas
FastQC CutAdapt FastQC Tophat 2 BamQC Cufflinks HtSeq edgeR Differential Expression Data processing workflow Daniel Gusenleitner, Francesca Mulas
Project 4 RNASeq project outline Organism: Killifish (WT and PCB resistant) Acute exposure of fertilized embryos to PCB 153 Killifish embryos (10 days post-fertilization) were exposed to PCB-153 or DMSO (vehicle) for 6 hrs, then used for RNA preparation Only the high concentration of PCB 153 was analyzed by RNA-seq. Four treatment groups (n=5/group): Scorton Creek (SC) - DMSO (vehicle) Scorton Creek (SC) - PCB-153 New Bedford Harbor (NBH) - DMSO (vehicle) New Bedford Harbor (NBH) - PCB-153 Vinay Kartha, Daniel Gusenleitner, Francesca Mulas
Project 4 RNASeq project goals To identify genes whose expression is altered after acute exposure to PCB-153 To identify population-specific differences in responsiveness - number and identity of genes altered Detect possible splice variants at any four of the AHR loci, and whether there are any population/treatment-specific differences in variants detected Vinay Kartha, Daniel Gusenleitner, Francesca Mulas
Progress Report Ran RNASeq pipeline on all 20 samples Includes QC reports on raw, processed and aligned read data Current: Generating count data to be used for pairwise differential expression analyses: PCB vs DMSO (SC population) PCB vs DMSO (NBH population) Next: Look for gene expression signatures that are unique to a given population Vinay Kartha, Daniel Gusenleitner, Francesca Mulas