MODU Safety Committee Objective The objective of this Procedure is to establish the terms of reference for the Safety Committee on board the MODU.
MODU Safety Committee Background Information The Safety Committee is a forum where safety issues are discussed between the management of the MODU and representatives of the crew. Is essential that practical experience gained from specific work situations, working with specific tools or equipment are communicated together with common sense observations that may reveal unknown or reduce unnecessary hazards.
MODU Safety Committee Responsibility The OIM is responsible for ensuring that the Safety Committee is established. He will ensure that it meets and conducts its business in accordance with the Procedure. The presence of the Safety Committee does not in any way relieve the OIM or any other managers of any responsibility for the safety of the MODU and its crew, not does it limit his authority to issue orders and guidelines.
MODU Safety Committee Responsibility Safety Representatives are responsible for liaising between the Committee and their respective crew The Safety Committee is responsible for: - monitoring and proposing measures for the management of safety on the rig; - ensuring that accidents and incidents are investigated and that corrective measures are communicated to prevent reoccurrence. - providing opportunities for all crew members to bring to the attention of management their concerns and suggestions regarding safety issues; - providing feedback to all crew members regarding safety issues discussed by the Committee.
MODU Safety Committee Procedure The Safety Committee shall consist of the following: 1.OIM (Chairman) 2.Barge Engineer (Secretary) 3.Senior Tool Pusher 4.Maintenance supervisor 5.Medic 6.Camp Boss 7.One safety representative from each section Each drilling, technical, deck and catering crew shall elect one safety representative for a term of one year. Representatives’ name and section must be posted on the rig notice board and a copy sent to Rig Superintendent.
MODU Safety Committee Procedure The Committee must hold a general meeting once a month. The topics discussed the findings and recommendations shall be recorded as minutes of meeting. In addition to the monthly meetings, the Committee shall meet whenever special circumstances dictate.
MODU Safety Committee Procedure The agenda of each Committee meeting shall as a minimum include the following items: 1. Review minutes of the previous meeting, particularly the status of action items; 2. Review accident or incident reports issued since the last meeting; 3. Review the OIM’s summary of outstanding remedial actions from Near Miss Reports; 4. Review the monthly Near Miss summary report; 5. Review the Safety Inspection or Audit Reports issued since the last meeting; 6. Review the status of outstanding matters raised at weekly safety meetings; 7. Review and approve Risk Assessments carried out since the last meeting.
MODU Safety Committee Procedure Every three months the Committee shall review and report on the following: 1. Progress of the Annual Safety Plan; 2. Compliance with the training matrix for safety related matters. Prior to each Committee meeting the Safety Representatives must note any safety related issues, which their crews wish to raise with the Committee. The minutes of meeting shall be displayed on the rig notice board and discussed at the weekly safety meetings. A copy of the minutes shall be sent to the Rig Superintendent who will respond as required before the next meeting. The OIM shall maintain the records of the Committee’s activities.