Very Weak Interactions or, what is 23% of the universe made of? Itay Yavin New York University Rutgers University January 25, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Very Weak Interactions or, what is 23% of the universe made of? Itay Yavin New York University Rutgers University January 25, 2011

The Search for New Physics How do we look for new physics? Where should we look for it? What is new physics ? How do we make sure we don’t miss it? In particle physics, we are interested in the fundamental building blocks of nature. We are not just looking to discover new particles, but new principles and symmetries as well. We often call this quest for the basic interactions “the search for new physics”.

Principle Based Searches Many searches are based on theoretical principles 1)Top discovery – anomaly free gauge-theory 1)Unitarization of W-boson scattering - Unitarity 2)Higgs boson – Renormalizability 3)Supersymmetry – solution to the hierarchy problem

Phenomenological Searches Other searches are more phenomenological in nature 1)The discovery of Quantum Mechanics 2)Neutrinos and their properties 3)The discovery of the tau 1)Dark matter and weakly coupled physics

Theoretical Efforts 1)Construct new models (hard, no obvious principals to follow) 2)Propose new searches 3)Suggest alternative explanations for observed anomalies 4)Critically examine and integrate all the known results 5)Calculate experimental observables How can theorists aid phenomenological searches?

Missing Things Neutrinos were first noticed as missing energy-momentum in beta decays. It took 23 years before their existence was confirmed. It took another 50 years to discover that neutrinos have a mass. Dark matter was first observed by Zwicky in cluster of galaxies. Over the past 70 years observers have seen evidence for dark matter over many length scales. But how does it interact? SNO – neutrino observatory

Content Weakly Interacting Matter The Exposure Frontier Weak Interactions The Energy Frontier

Weakly Interacting Matter The Exposure Frontier

Dark Matter Rotation curves Lensing Effect Bullet Cluster WMAP Indirect Detection Direct Production Direct Detection

Getting Pushed by Dark Matter (or Direct Detection Experiments) Nuclear recoil event Dark Matter entering target Dark Matter leaves CDMS:

Detection Schemes CRESST-II CoGeNT From P. Salati’s review on Dark Matter

CoGeNT CoGeNT is NOT seeing light dark matter elastically scattering against the nucleus. Chang, Liu, Pierce, Weiner, and IY DAMA CDMS XENON10 CRESST A Tale of Two Experiments XENON100

Chang, Weiner, and IY Magnetic inelastic Dark Matter How is DAMA different from the other experiments? Is there a dark matter candidate that would show up in DAMA, but not in other experiments? (inspired by inelastic dark matter, Tucker-Smith and Weiner hep-ph/ ) DAMA’s crystals are made NaI: Heavy target (iodide) Large magnetic dipole A Magnetic dipole interaction:

Event Rate astrophysics Particle physics How many events do we get for a given cross-section?

Experimental Signatures CDMS CRESST-II XENON10 KIMS ZPELIN-III Such a DM state explains the annular modulations seen by DAMA while avoiding the other null results of other experiments. It can be searched for by other experiments and enjoys an additional unique signature. After the collision, the excited state travels some distance before it de-excites and emits a photon, Standard cuts will likely miss these events, but with some care it may not be hard to distinguish from background.

Maybe the most important result of such scenarios is that they force us to think beyond the usual elastic scattering phenomenology. Inelastic, Exothermic, and Magnetic DM all result in unique experimental signatures. Open Questions Are there any bounds from experiments looking for neutrinos from the Sun? (not as strong as for the original iDM scenario – Nussinov, Wang, and IY, ) Can such a scenario lead to the correct relic abundance? What are the bounds from collider searches? Are there convincing models that exhibit such a phenomenology? Will it be seen by the XENON100 experiment? Elastic Scattering Inelastic, Exothermic, Magnetic DM

Weak Forces Energy Frontier

Probing Weak Forces Precision measurements of atomic transitions Lepton-Jets Muon anomalous magnetic moment Low-energy colliders

Holdom Boson – A Case Study A very simple theoretical example of a weak force is illustrated through the Holdom effect (Holdom, Phys.Lett. B166), The mixing term results in a coupling of the new boson to the electromagnetic current, The story becomes even more intricate once supersymmetry is included and new scales can emerge – Cheung, Ruderman, Wang, and IY,

Example: Rare Z Decay Let’s consider the rare decay of the Z boson into a Holdom-boson and some extra scalar. New and interesting type of objects appear, Lepton Jets - A collimated collection of energetic leptons with a small opening angle (Arkani-Hamed and Weiner, ) Dark Cascades A’ q q

Dark/Hidden Sectors This phenomenon is very general. It occurs when we consider new light states coupled to the Standard Model, Marginal Operators Hidden Valleys, Strassler and Zurek, hep-ph/ Irrelevant Operators Lepton-jets are the hallmarks of an extra weakly coupled sector with a low scale. Dark sectors phenomenology, Baumgart, Cheung, Ruderman, Wang, and IY, (Motivated by recent astrophysical anomalies – Arkani-Hamed et al )

Full Evolution We implemented the relevant physics into a Monte-Carlo based simulation,

Lepton Jets Lepton Jets - Cheung, Ruderman, Wang, and IY, This definition grew out of a very fruitful exchange with the experimentalists who actually conducted the search for these objects.

Experimental Search Y. Gershtein and A. Haas have recently concluded the first search for these exotic objects at the Tevatron for D0 - Phys.Rev.Lett. 105 (2010) More searches are planned for the LHC in both CMS and ATLAS.

Frontiers keV MeV GeV TeV Weakly coupled physics be here Large targets (Sun,Earth) Exposure (CDMS,XENON) Luminosity (CHARM,Babar) Tevatron, LHC Energy Frontier Exposure Frontier Precision Frontier Atomic physics

Conclusions Dark Matter 23% Dark Energy 73% “Us” 4% There is no guarantee any of the searches I described will succeed. There is no deep principle that ensures us something will definitely show up. But, the frontiers are expanding and many promising explorations are underway. By casting a wide net we hope to catch something interesting. Keep in mind that...

Thank You

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A New Force? The discrepancy can be the result of a new force between the proton and the muon. It can also help explain the long standing discrepancy in the muon anomalous magnetic moment (Tucker-Smith and IY, ). Constraints: Neutron-Lead scattering Lamb-shift in ordinary hydrogen Neutrino reactions It is yet unclear whether such a force can be obtained from a simple particle physics model. Cannot be a Holdom boson type of force – would have been seen in ordinary Hydrogen Measured deviation Scalar force fit to muon g-2 Vector force fit to muon g-2

Predictions More measurements in muonic systems are planned in PSI and elsewhere. This framework allows for concrete predictions about these systems, Muonic Deuterium Muonic Helium True Muonium