Presented by Noel Clark, CEO Carlsbad Mental Health Center Carlsbad, NM
1. A Commitment from the Board to support the initiative 2. Commitment by middle and senior Managers to work for and represent the organization NOT their unit, program, or staff 3. A Commitment by Clinical Leadership to embrace and integrate an expanded definition and scope of Quality Services 4. A shared understanding at all levels of management of both the clinical and administrative performance expectations 2 Groundwork for Change
Moving from knee jerk to data driven decision making 3 3
4 All Aboard!
Action board or feel good board? Corporate style vs. Traditional NP Style Recruit “Passionate & Powerful People” Board Training/Dynamic Awareness Commitment of Board Corporate Resolution The Culture of the BOD must change before the culture of the agency can change 5 Is The Board on Board?
I didn’t get into this business to chase the dollar I thought CMHC was a non profit company All you care about is money I know my caseload and you won’t tell me how long to see MY clients If I discharge my client I won’t be here when he needs us I won’t work for a company that’s more focused on money than people 6 Do These Comments Sound Familiar?
RESOLVED, that it is in the best interest of this Corporation for our Chief Executive Officer to develop practice management policies and procedures designed to maximize the efficiency of operations and the productivity of staff. All aspects of management are designed to: To Enhance, Change and Save Lives. Direct service professionals are expected to achieve quarterly and annual billing productivity equal to 65 percent of their full-time equivalency. The No-Show/Cancel rate of scheduled appointments exceed 15 percent monthly, quarterly or annually. All Human Resource Management, supervision and training is designed to maximize employee satisfaction, productivity and efficiency. Collecting client fees, when the customer has the demonstrated and verified ability to invest in his/her Recovery, is expected for all customers. Team leaders and management staff our Chief Executive Officer selects to lead this Corporation owe their professional loyalty to this Corporation. Providing premier customer is the minimum expectation of every function of every job. A centralized appointment schedule that extends face-to-face access to a Master's level behavioral health professional to each customer the day they request services and the 2nd contact within 10 calendar days. Ongoing monitoring of the training, mentoring and coaching needs of the employees. To address identified training, mentoring and coaching these needs through a formal, documented supervision process. Professional Human Resource Management and communicate all performance expectations to each employee and to evaluate performance based on these stated expectations. To increase employee retention, employee salaries and benefits for those employees of this Corporation who have assimilated to the culture of this Corporation. To create a Corporate Culture that is eager to learn, capable of change and loyal to this Corporation.
In the current marketplace, the awareness that change is constant does not guarantee survival. Being Change Capable suggests we must be able to adapt to new directions (ACA) and new product lines (Mental Health Parity) without the need to revise operations, training and supervision models. Change Capable
What’s The Plan?
10 Carlsbad: Rapid Cycle Change Plan
Operational Based Action Work Plan to Implement Good Ideas 11
Access Goals – no appointments for intakes Productivity – hours billed & documentation compliance No Shows – for 2 nd appointments Backfilling appointments Case Completion goals Monthly reporting Practice Expectations
Customer Engagement Standards Second clinical appointment First medical appointment Monthly reporting Supervision & Coaching to standards
Vision – 30,000 feet Management – 20,000 feet Supervision – 10,000 feet Delivery – Ground Level Vision, Management & Supervision Different Views of the Horizon
This concludes this presentation. Your questions are appreciated.