OBJECTIVES OF THIS LECTURE Upon completing this chapter student should be able to:- Define the concept Describe safety and health procedures Describe steps to improve safety and health of working conditions Explain employer and employee responsibilities toward S&H
DIFINITION Safety hazards - are aspect of the work environment that have the potential of causing immediate and sometimes violent harm or even death to an employee . safety hazards include poorly maintained equipment, unsafe machineries , exposure to hazardous chemicals. Potential injuries include lost of hearing , body parts, burn , broken bones.
Health hazards - are aspects of the work environments that slowly are cumulatively lead to deterioration of health. The person may develop a chronic or life- threatening illness or become permanent disable. Typical causes are biological hazards, toxic and chemical. These can cause cancer, and psychological disorders like depression.
SAFETY AND HEALTH POLICY The General Policy Statement concerns with the overall intent of the employer to look after the safety and health of the workforce. This statement can be simple and brief. Essentially it should : point out that the management accept responsibility for safety and health of the employees and others who may be affected by the work activities .
OSHA-Occupational Safety and Health Administration The objective of OSHA: To encourage employers and employees to reduce safety and health hazard To provide and establish an effective measures of safety and health standards To implement programs to improve the quality of people engaged in the safety and health field.
The Parties Concern on OSHA Government play important roles in setting and enforcing rules and regulation Employer - Top management must support with an appropriate measure to ensure safety and health rules and regulations are followed. Employees must always concern to safety and health by cooperating with employers to comply safety and health standard, rules and regulation.
OSHA Standard – setting the rules and regulations OSHA Standard – setting the rules and regulations. Eg: Occupational Safety and Health Act. Inspection – regular checking of safety and health standard are implemented. Complaint – employees or their representatives have the right to file a complaint with relevant authority if they believe unsafe or unhealthy conditions exist in their workplace.
Enforcement – the act provides for mandatory penalties against employers for each various violation. Employers should always remind employees to follow the safety and health procedures. Employees can refuse to work when working condition are unsafe. Voluntary activities – employers and employees get together to organise safety and health programs. To reduce injuries and illnesses arising out of employment. Many public and private organisations provide assistance in this effort.
OSHA in the public sector All government department and agencies are subject to OSHA regulations. Office environment Office layout Office equipment
TUTORIAL Explain the terms “safety” and “health” hazards. How to avoid safety and health hazard? Describe the safety and heath law and procedures that applied in Malaysia.