Matt Carter Joseph Owen
Located in Ashland, Va Randolph Macon College
Teaching Lab in Dept. of physics Used by college astronomy courses
Public viewing sessions are held weekly during academic year Decision to open and close are up to the student assistants just prior to the scheduled time. Call the KEEBLER for information
Cornerstone instrument in college’s minor program in astrophysics The dome houses a 12” Cassegrain reflector
Has computers and a darkroom Has ccd cameras Portable telescopes
Photoelectric photometer Grating spectrograph
DR. WILLIAM HOUSTON KEEBLE Distinguished professor of Physics at Randolph- Macon College He retired in 1952 Rewarded an honary doctor of science degree by maryville college in 1945
Houses the worlds largest observatory for optical infrared and sub millimeter astrononmy Nine facilities
Mana is unique as a astronomical observing site Atmosphere above the mountain is extremely dry, which is important Exceptional stability of the atmosphere makes it great to see stuff
Mauna Kea Ice Age natural reserve is available Community is deeply involved with the activities held at the obvservatory
World’s largest combined telescope Power It’s a dormant volcano mountain, boom
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