GEM IT Report Mack Shen USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - December 10, 2014 -


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Presentation transcript:

GEM IT Report Mack Shen USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - December 10,

Information request form (our database -> raw data) Plant and harvest dates Location: county, state Plot size (width x length – button-to-button) Desired stand count Plot condition (optional, but preferred) EXPTEntryPedigreePlotRepWT Yield MOIST TW TPLTHTEARHTSTANDSKLDGRTLDGDEARS

GEM-Ames trial summary

GEM-Ames trial summary Summary by experiment for “quick view” on page 6 of the yield trial section

GEM-Ames trial summary Experiments: 48 Replicated at 5 to 8 locations Plots: 15,370 The number of total reps lost due to weather: 19 (6.8%) The number of complete experiments lost: 0

GEM-Ames trial summary There are 202 top crosses that out-performed the mean yield of 5 checks (8.0% of 2530 entries of the total top crosses) Of these 202 GEM top crosses, 142 were from the first year tests and 60 from the second year tests The range of CV’s for yield was from 7.1 to 14.4% ( % last year ) and the mean of the CV’s is 10.0% (last year 15.2%)

GEM-Ames trial summary The deviation of CV means since year 2005

Special Thanks to the Companies Conducted Yield Trial In-Kind Support (2014) AgReliant Genetics, LLC Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc. CRD Advisors, LLC Dow AgroSciences Forage Genetics Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc. Ingredion KMR Inc. Monsanto Company SEEDirect Syngenta Seeds, Inc. Wyffels Hybrids

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