Sick of job insecurity ? job insecurity ? medical costs ? medical costs ? high student loans ? high student loans ? high mortgage payments ? high mortgage payments ? bureaucracy ? bureaucracy ?
Work distribution J-topia uses a Cashless Credit System based on: - the total hours per week you work - essentialness of your job choice J-topia uses a Cashless Credit System based on: - the total hours per week you work - essentialness of your job choice Subsidize your credit pool for additional luxuries by - working additional hours - pursuing your dream job on off hours - banking your allotted upgrades Subsidize your credit pool for additional luxuries by - working additional hours - pursuing your dream job on off hours - banking your allotted upgrades Job slots are on a first come basis and maintained with acquired skill and productivity Job slots are on a first come basis and maintained with acquired skill and productivity
Housing FREE modular housing FREE modular housing to those willing to work a colony prescribed job! 3 levels of accommodations: 400 sf Basic Studio 20 hours/week 800 sf Standard 30 hours/week 1200 sf Luxury 40 hours/week
Food OTEC powered aquaculture guarantees that all colonists will enjoy a FREE subsistence level of full spectrum nutritional products! Fast growing tilapia fish, oysters, shrimp Vegans? Abundant spirulina and soy Industrial hemp Fast growing, low maintenance - seeds provides high protein - fiber for textiles
Transportation FREE transportation FREE transportation to those willing to work a colony prescribed job! 3 levels of air-powered accommodations: Mass transit 20 hours Taxis 30 hours Personal Vehicle 40 hours
Medical FREE Medical, Optical, Dental FREE Medical, Optical, Dental to those willing to work a colony prescribed job! FREE prescriptions FREE preventative care Elective surgery available for additional credits
Education FREE education and training credits provided to those willing to work a colony prescribed job!
Energy Abundant FREE energy is provided by state-of-the-art Thorium fission power plants - safe & inexpensive Thorium fission power plants - safe & inexpensive OTEC power plants - clean ocean thermal differential - aquaculture enriching OTEC power plants - clean ocean thermal differential - aquaculture enriching
Government, taxes, law, crime J-topia has a democratically elected president J-topia has a democratically elected president science and economics degree required Colony work credit system means No Taxes! Colony work credit system means No Taxes! ONE Law : “Be Kind To All” ONE Law : “Be Kind To All” Crime: Special Penal Colony Subdivision - Minimum security labor farm units - High security labor farm units Crime: Special Penal Colony Subdivision - Minimum security labor farm units (non violent criminals) - High security labor farm units (violent criminals, repeat offenders)