FZÚ, 12.5.2005 J. Cvach, LCWS051 LCWS 05 1.LHC a ILC 2.Top 3.Higgs 4.Polarizace.


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Presentation transcript:

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS051 LCWS 05 1.LHC a ILC 2.Top 3.Higgs 4.Polarizace

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS052 The TeV ILC planned for 2015 Parameters defined by ILCSC scope-panel for ITRP Baseline  s = GeV, integrated luminosity  = 500 fb -1 over 1 st 4 years 80% electron polarisation 2 interaction regions with easy switching Upgrade Anticipate  s  1 TeV,  = 1 ab -1 over 4 years Options e - e - collisions, 50% positron polarisation, “GigaZ”; high  at Z and at WW threshold, Laser backscatter for  and  e collisions, Doubled  at 500 GeV. Choice among options to be guided by physics needs.

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS053 Physics at the LHC and ILC in a nutshell LHC: pp scattering at 14 TeV Scattering process of proton constituents with energy up to several TeV, strongly interacting  huge QCD backgrounds, low signal-to-background ratios ILC: e + e - scattering at ≈ TeV Clean experimental environment: well-defined initial state, tuneable energy, beam polarization, GigaZ γγ, γe -, e - e - options,...  relatively small backgrounds high-precision physics

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS054 Why? 2001; m t =174.3  5.1; PDG 2004; m t =178.0  4.3 Moves best fit m H by > 20 GeV. Very sensitive. Recent illustration; D0’s new m t measurement Because precision on m t limits current SM fit. Definite job to be done. Measure m t to <  100 MeV

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS055 (Heinemeyer et al) What precise m t would do for MSSM

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS056 Flavour changing NC processes

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS057 High precision top mass

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS058 Higgs na ILC Hlavní mechanismy pro produkci Higgse : a) Higgs strahlung (dominuje pro malé M H ) b) W fusion (dominuje pro velké M H )

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS fb -1 at 350 GeV Constrained fits to final states Higgs mass measurement

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS0510 TESLA TDR Precision on Higgs branching ratios

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS0511 The Recoil Measurement Higgs mass and cross section in e + e -  Z X  e + e - X (μ + μ - X) Study of SM Higgs sensitivity at ILC - full simulation (MOKKA)! work in progress Event display: h 0 Z 0  b bbar μ + μ - Particle Flow in Reconstruction The Invariant Mass of Invisible System (the Recoil Mass Method) Including the ISR SM Higgs Signal Reconstruction Z  μ + μ - Final State 100 fb -1 SM Higgs Signal Reconstruction Z  e + e - Final State 100 fb -1

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS0512 ILC Charge in Higgs Physics At the ILC, we can do an inclusive measurement of Higgs production: e + e -  H + X (recoil spectrum) This removes the model dependence from all LHC (and ILC) coupling measurements. At the ILC, we can determine couplings to better than 5 %. In particular, can be precisely measured. Leaving the minimal SM paradigm, there is another crucial point: At the ILC, we can detect extra scalars in the Higgs sector (if not too heavy), complementing LHC searches. Many of their properties can be determined. Finally: At the ILC, the Higgs self-coupling can be measured (with low precision), if the Higgs is not too heavy. (For a Higgs boson above the WW threshold, this is more accessible at the LHC.)

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS0513 "Known unknowns" vs. "unknown unknowns" ILC will be prepared to explore Higgs physics, SUSY, extra dimensions, mini black holes,... These are „known unknowns“, but one also needs to be prepared for the unexpected LHC: interaction rate of 10 9 events/s  can trigger on only 1 event in 10 7 ILC: untriggered operation  can find signals of unexpected new physics (direct production + large indirect reach) that manifests itself in events that are not selected by the LHC trigger strategies

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS0514 Práce skupiny LHC/ILC: hep-ph/ The intimate interplay of the results of the two collider facilities will allow one to probe, much more effectively and more conclusively than each machine separately, the fundamental interactions of nature and the structure of matter, space and time. Results from both colliders will be crucial in order to decipher the underlying physics in the new territory that lies ahead of us and to draw the correct conclusions about its nature. This information will be decisive for guiding the way towards effective experimental strategies and dedicated searches. It will not only sharpen the goals for a subsequent phase of running of both LHC and LC, but will also be crucial for the future roadmap of particle physics. The interplay between LHC and LC is a very rich field, of which only very little has been explored so far.

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS0515 Positron (polarised) source Both beams polarized –Different production mechanisms in s, t channels –In case of MSSM – charge of observed lepton directly related to L, R quantum no. of the selectron e - L,R  ẽ - L,R and e + L,R  ẽ + L,R –Smaller background to physical processes Large amount of charge to produce Three concepts: –undulator-based (TESLA TDR baseline) –‘conventional’ (extrapolation from SLC e + source) –laser Compton based

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS0516 Undulator-Based 6D e + emittance small enough that (probably) no pre-DR needed [shifts emphasis/challenge to DR acceptance] Lower n production rates (radiation damage) Need high-energy e- to make e+ (coupled operation)  Makes commissioning more difficult Polarised positrons (almost) for free

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS0517 Compton Source (KEK)

FZÚ, J. Cvach, LCWS0518 Damping ring – „ochlazení svazku“ 33km 47 km TESLA TDR 500 GeV (800 GeV) US Options Study 500 GeV (1 TeV)