Quiz… 1. According to Karl Marx, who were the oppressORS and who were the oppressED? 2. In their book, The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels predicted a dictatorship of what? 3. Who came up with a cheaper and faster way to produce steel? 4. The invention of electricity led to what other inventions? 5. Who flew the first flight? 6. Give one example of an industrialized country in Europe. (France, Spain, Russia or Bulgaria) 7. Give one example of an agriculturally based country in Europe. (Britain, Belgium, Russia or the Netherlands)
Quiz Answers… 1. Bourgeoisie (oppressors) and proletariat (oppressed) 2. The proletariat 3. Bessemer 4. The lightbulb, the radio, conveyor belt, subways, streetcars… 5. Joshua Henson only – who knows? 6. France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Northern Italy 7. Spain, Portugal, most of Austria-Hungary, the Balkan Kingdoms and Southern Italy 8. Extreme: get rid of capitalism and replace it with socialism. Moderate: reform working conditions, improve benefits
Homework: read and outline pages 426 – 429 Are men and women treated equally in today’s society? Can you think of an example?
Section 2: The Emergence of Mass Media
I. The New Urban Environment Growth of Urban Population City populations 1800, London’s population 960,000 and by 1900 it was 6.5 million New problems??? Improvements in Public Health and Sanitation Deadly epidemic diseases encouraged reform
City governments made health boards to improve housing quality Did inspections to check on running water and proper drainage Clean water made possible w/ dams and reservoirs, and sewage was carried away from cities in underground pipes.
II. Social Structure The New Elite Only 5% of the population controlled 30-40% of the wealth Industrialists, bankers and merchants merged w/ the landed aristocracy and became leaders in government and military. Wealthy classes also merged through marriage.
The Diverse Middle Class Upper-middle, middle-middle and lower- middle classes (lawyers and doctors, smaller shopkeepers and traveling salesmen – some examples). See pg 424 for more examples.
The Working Class Lower class, made up 80% of Europe’s population Land-owning peasants or city workers. Many women were household servants. Conditions started to improve after 1870: higher wages, 10 hr work day and only 6 days of work a week.
III. Women’s Experiences Early 19 th Century, women were totally legally inferior to men: Got only legal identity from husband, couldn’t testify in court, serve on a jury, own property Legally inferior and financially dependent on men New Job Opportunities 2 nd industrial revolution forced women into the work place – not enough men to fill the positions! Mostly working class women. Clerks, typists, secretaries, file clerks and salesclerks Government jobs also opened up – social services, education and health care.