Newton’s Laws Cartoons Due at the end of the class period on Friday!
Newton’s Cartoons Purpose: To investigate and describe Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion Background Information: Isaac Newton summed up motion in three laws. Today we consider these laws obvious, not realizing the struggles scientists went through in attempting to understand the world around them.
1.Law of Inertia - An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force. 2.Law of Mass and Acceleration - When a force is applied to a given mass, the mass experiences an acceleration that is proportional to the force applied. 3. Law of Action – Reaction - For every action (force), there is an equal and opposite reaction (force). Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
Materials: large piece of construction paper, rulers, markers, crayons, or colored pencils, brains Procedure: Review each of Newton’s Laws of Motion Separate each law on the page with a line either vertically or horizontally. Make sure each law is titled. Illustrate each of Newton’s Laws using cartoons to provide visual diagrams with text. Each law may be illustrated as one picture with text OR each law may be illustrated in a series of frames that develop the idea with text (a one picture cartoon vs. a series of pictures)
Cartoon Guidelines COLOR: Outline in color or shade some of the pictures. Some color is required. Background can be blank. *Cartoons must be school appropriate *Goal is to illustrate laws and be humorous
CATEGORY4321 Use of Class Time (Were you a distraction to yourself or others?) Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Didn’t distract others. Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and didn’t distract others. Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done, but occasionally distracted others. Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others. Creativity/ Originality (Have you displayed original and creative ideas in your cartoons?) The project reflects an exceptional degree of student creativity and originality. The project reflects student originality and creativity. The project reflects very little originality or creativity. No originality or creativity is reflected in the project. Laws - Illustrated (Have all three laws been illustrated?) All three laws have been illustrated. Two laws have been illustrated. Only one law has been illustrated. No laws are present. Laws – Explanation (Do your cartoons accurately explain the laws?) Student has done an exceptional job accurately representing all three laws. Student has done an ok job explaining all three laws. Laws are not explained correctly. One or more laws are missing an explanation. Artistry (Is the poster neat and colorful?) Student has put effort into their cartoons. They are neat, in color, and show attention to detail. Student does a sufficient job in their artwork. There is very little color, but it is neat. Student’s artwork is lacking in detail, neatness or accuracy. Student has put no effort into their work. It is very messy.
Cartoon 1.Each law has a title (3pts) _____ 2.Your name is on the back of your poster (2pts) _____ You can earn up to 5 extra points for exceptional work!