By Julia Alvarez
Overview Published in 1994 Setting: 1940s-1960 and 1994 (plot jumps around in time) in the Dominican Republic Chronicles the story of the four Miribal sisters, who fought to overcome the tyrannical rule of Rafael Leonidas Trujillio.
The Dominican Republic erica/caribb/do.htm erica/caribb/do.htm The Dominican Republic has a tropical climate, with many miles of beaches and four mountain ranges. For centuries, it was plagued by political unrest, especially the tyranny of Trujillio, until his assassination in It is currently a democracy.
About the Author Julia Alvarez is of Dominican descent (her parents were from there), but was born in New York. Her family moved back to the Dominican Republic when she was three years old. She lived in the Dominican Republic during the years that In the Time of the Butterflies is set. In 1960, the Dominican government (under Trujillio) discovered that Alvarez’s father was part of a secret group that was plotting to overthrow Trujillio. Fearing for his life, the Alvarezes moved back to the United States. Julia Alvarez currently lives in Vermont.
The Miribals They were real! Patria: Oldest. Married young; very religious. Is hesitant at first about joining the movement against Trujillio. Dede: #2. Never joins the revolution—the only living sister. She is the “narrator” of the novel Minerva: #3. Most aggressive in the movement against Trujillio Maria Teresa (Mate): Youngest. Her voice is communicated through journal entries. Joins the movement against Trujillio after Minerva.
Question: What parts of Julia Alvarez’s life do you think inspired her to write the novel? “In the Time of the Butterflies.” The Big Read. National Endowment for the Arts. 28 August