Homework Duen/a Tonight’s HW Read and Study Ch 7; Do #11-17 Do Now1.Take a Study Guide 2.Take a clicker 3.Take Exit Slip back from last class and review/ correct… we will use clickers momentarily!
Which egg experiences a larger CHANGE in momentum? 1.Sheet 2.Wall 3.Same
Which egg experiences a larger IMPULSE? 1.Sheet 2.Wall 3.Same
Which egg experiences a larger STOPPING TIME (in other words, takes MORE TIME to stop)? 1.Sheet 2.Wall 3.Same
Which egg experiences a larger FORCE? 1.Sheet 2.Wall 3.Same
Recap Last class, we talked about impulse changing momentum. This class, we are going to talk about what happens if that impulse occurs during 2 scenarios: – When bouncing occurs – When a collision occurs
Notes from last class Take out your notes from last class and go to the demo section. (Nerf Guns, Ping Pong Balls, Toppling) You will be shown each demo and give you time to jot down observations.
When is impulse larger? 1.When objects bounce 2.When objects don’t bounce 3.Doesn’t matter either way
Collisions – Today’s activity Newton’s Cradle – what do you notice? Observe the cars colliding…What do you notice?
Java Activity It is your job to complete #1-16; if you have time, you can try your own. We will recap at the end of the block for a clicker question and to fill in the chart on page 1-2
Throwing a ball of PlayDoh against a wall is…. 1.Elastic 2.Inelastic 3.Not quite sure
QualitiesELASTICINELASTIC Describe how they collide – bounce, stick together, etc… Bounce Stick Give real life examples: Magnet carVelcro car What happens to the momentum after collision? Is it conserved? Is it shared, or transferred… Always conserved! Are the objects permanently deformed post- collision? Nope! Yep! As long as there is no external force, there is no way to get them back to normal… Is heat generated during the collision? No – there is no such thing as perfectly elastic collision, because there is always SOME friction Yes – friction!
Throwing a ball of PlayDoh against a wall is…. 1.Elastic 2.Inelastic 3.Not quite sure
If 2 objects of EQUAL mass experience an ELASTIC collision… 1.Momentum IS conserved 2.Momentum IS NOT conserved 3.Not quite sure
If 2 objects of UNEQUAL mass experience an ELASTIC collision… 1.Momentum IS conserved 2.Momentum IS NOT conserved 3.Not quite sure
If 2 objects of EQUAL mass experience an INELASTIC collision… 1.Momentum IS conserved 2.Momentum IS NOT conserved 3.Not quite sure
If 2 objects of UNEQUAL mass experience an INELASTIC collision… 1.Momentum IS conserved 2.Momentum IS NOT conserved 3.Not quite sure