Religion & Theology (V600) PROVISIONAL NEW UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME from September 2013
Year 1 (120 credits in total) M ANDATORY U NITS (60 credits) Symposium (20 credits) Approaches to the Study of Religion (20 credits) Living Religions (20 credits) O PTIONAL U NITS (60 credits) Three units from a list of options (each worth 20 credits): see selection below
Year 2 (120 credits in total) M ANDATORY U NITS (40 credits) Symposium (20 credits) Issues in the Study of Religion (20 credits) O PTIONAL U NITS (80 credits) Four units from a list of options (each worth 20 credits): see selection below
Year 3 (120 credits in total) M ANDATORY U NITS (40 credits) Dissertation (40 credits) O PTIONAL U NITS (80 credits) Four units from a list of options (each worth 20 credits): see selection below
T HE M ANDATORY U NITS Symposium (Years 1 & 2): small discussion groups looking at a key text or theme in Religion & Theology (e.g. antisemitism) Approaches/Issues in the Study of Religion (Years 1 & 2): analysis of approaches to studying religion (e.g. Philosophy of Religion) and core issues that arise (e.g. religion and science) Living Religions (Year 1): survey of main religious traditions in todays world, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism Dissertation (Year 3): extended piece of work supervised by member of staff on a research topic of interest to the student
O PTIONAL U NITS : A S ELECTION * New Testament Ethics (Year 1) Jews, Judaism, and Modernity (Year 1) Early and Pre-modern Christianity (Year 1) The Protestant Reformation and Islam (Year 1) The Clash of Religions? Christianity and Islam in the Modern World (Year 2) Love and Sex in Hinduism: Bhakti to Tantra (Year 2) The World of Buddhism (Year 2) Ghosts, Death, and the Afterlife (Year 2)
Sacred Texts (Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Quran) and Politics (Year 3) Ancient Jewish Novels (Year 3) Medieval Mystics and Visionaries (Year 3) Alchemy, Magic, and Science in Early Modernity (Year 3) Christian Theology and the World Religions (Year 3) Yoga and Meditation in India (Year 3) Buddhism in Practice: Monks, Merit, and Magic (Year 3) Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, and Pali (Years 1-3) * Please note that no individual unit can be guaranteed to run in any given year