What is empathy ? (call on a few students to brainstorm the definition of empathy)
Defining Empathy The following clips will help us define empathy: 4xbM (stop at 46 seconds) 4xbM vHk8 (2:23) vHk8
What is empathy ? (call on a few students to define empathy) Based on the videos we have just seen
Now that we have an understanding of empathy, lets take a look at empathy in ACTION. Toy Story 2 Synopsis: Woody was taken from Andy’s house (his owner) during a garage sale and is trying his hardest to get back to him. The only thing he seems to care about is how quickly he can return to the care of his owner Andy. Jessie, his new friend, does not feel very happy that Woody plans to leave. She knows that if Woody leaves that she will be put back into a storage box where she may never see the light of day again. Lets take a look at how Woody is able to show empathy. (3:47)
Discussion Questions How did Woody show more empathy at the end of the clip versus the beginning of the clip? Why did Woody react differently to Jessie at the end of the clip? Why is it important to listen to others and try to put yourself in their shoes?
How empathetic are you? (Pass out short survey)
When survey is complete: If you answered mostly “yes,” you probably do a good job of showing empathy toward other people. The statements you answered “no” to are things you could do to be more empathetic. How could we all work on being a little more empathetic?
Examples how to show empathy Try to imagine what it feels like being in someone else’s shoes ask yourself, “How would I feel in this situation?” When you listen to others, making eye contact, not interrupting the speaker, and asking follow-up questions can show that you’re making a genuine effort to understand what they’re going through. What other behaviors might show someone that you are being an empathetic listener? What can you do to be more attuned to other people’s feelings? For instance, when you talk to your friends, how many “you” questions do you ask compared to the number of “I” statements you make?
Time left over? Please discuss the following quote (How does this relate to empathy ?)
Recall what empathy is by having a quick classroom discussion on what we learned from yesterday’s lesson. (call on a few students review the definition of empathy)
How can we all be empathetic? Step 1- Watch and Listen : What is the other person saying and what is their body language? Step 2- Remember : When did you feel the same way? Step 3- Imagine : Imagine how you might feel in that situation. Step4- Ask : Ask how the person is feeling. Step 5- Show You Care : Let them know that you care through your words and actions.
Activity Directions 1.Break up the class into groups of 3 2.Each group should have 1 situation card and 2 empathetic cards 3.Students may move around the room to separate themselves from other groups 4.In each group: the student with the situation card will read the scenario to their group members they should try their best to really take on this role 5.The students with the empathetic cards will follow the directions on the card in order to be empathetic towards the student’s scenario. (they will simply follow the steps discussed on the previous slide) 6.Students can switch roles so that the student who originally read the scenario can have a chance to practice being empathetic. 7.We have provided extra scenario cards so students can act out more than one situation (please be mindful of time we would like all classes to complete the challenge on the next slides)
The Empathy Challenge
Your goal for this week: “Be the reason someone smiles today” Pass out the goal setting chart and go over the format with students. Read over the goal setting examples (listed on the next slide) Give students time to create one goal for each day on the “make someone smile chart” Have students staple their goal chart into their agendas so they can refer back to it as they complete their goals.
Some Example Goals… Home…. Clean up my bed room without being asked Help set the dinner table without being asked Help my parent(s) by being ready for bedtime Write a thank you note card to my parent(s) Do a chore without being asked Ask my parent(s) if there is anything you can do to help them today. Give my parent(s) a hug. School… Invite someone to sit at your lunch table Say “good morning” or “good afternoon” to one person during each hall passing time After sixth hour pick up any papers or garbage laying on the hallway floor Thank one staff member here at school for something they have done for you Write a thank you note card to one staff member for something they did for you. Have my homework on my desk before the teacher asks Tell the lunch workers “Thank you” after they serve me. Write a friend a thank you note card. (Next)
To help encourage participation Make a class participation percentage goal. Example: If 80% of our roundup class participates in the Empathy Challenge by completing a goal each day and turning in a completed goal sheet by next Wednesday, we will set aside some time during our Thursday reading period to play a fun game.