What Are We Actually Doing This Week?
Redesign the Hawaiian experience for residents.
To intellectually identify with or vicariously experience of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another empathize: what?
1. immerse 2. observe 3. engage empathize: how?
immerse observe engage empathize: how?
immerse yourself in the situations and experiences your user has School examples: carrying water like Cambodians, sleeping outside like the homeless, ….
immerse observe engage empathize: how?
15 observe what your user is doing, how s/he is doing it, and what prompted the behavior
immerse observe engage empathize: how?
what is this person (or persons) doing? Notice what is happening both with the person and the context he/she is functioning within. how are they doing it? pretend you are describing the picture to someone not looking at it. why are they doing it this way? take a guess. start to form a story. then ask. what :: how :: why
1.seek stories 2.talk about feelings 3.ask “why” empathize: how?
1.seek stories 2.talk about feelings 3.ask “why” 4.capture your findings empathize: how?