Arkansas State Library Ruth Hyatt Manager of Extension Services Arkansas State Library October 2009—updated March 2010 Phone:
Mission Statement The mission of the Arkansas State Library is to serve as the information resource center for state agencies, legislators and legislative staffs, to provide guidance and support for the development of local public libraries and library services, and to provide the resources, services, and leadership necessary to meet the educational, informational and cultural needs of the citizens of Arkansas. 2
Addresses, faxes & phones 3
Staff information 5
Arkansas State Library Newsletter 7
Calendar of Events 9
OPAC: Online Public Access Catalog 11
Circulating Collection : non fiction only 12
Interlibrary Loan 13
Reference An extension of your own reference desk 15
Quick reference resources 18
Network Services Network Services provides the , Internet, and computer applications for the Arkansas State library. The section also services the library’s two automated systems – one for traditional library services and one for the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. The Manager of Network Services is the ASL web master, working with various sections in the library to provide information about services and programs. These included Arkansas Center for the Book, Summer Reading Program, R.A.I.S.E. Resource Assistance in Seeking Employment, and Traveler Online Database Project, as well as special collections like Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped and Patent & Trademark Depository Library.R.A.I.S.E. Outside the library, the Manager of Network Services works with academic, public, school and special libraries on a variety of project and grants. A major Network Services project is the Traveler that provides free databases to all library types around the state. Network Services also assigned to approves public library technology plans for Erate and works with Manager of Extension Services as part of the Arkansas Erate Work Group. The manager also is responsible for ASL’s technology plan. Academic and public libraries can look to Network Services for advice and information on current and emerging technologies. Another duty that has been assigned to Network Services is overseeing the Continuity of Operation Plan for ASL and heading up the Emergency Management Group within agency. Contact: Sally Hawkes, Manager of Network Services Phone: 20
Online Databases 21
Traveler Databases 23
R.A.I.S.E 27
Extension Services Manager: Ruth Hyatt ◦ General Consulting/Continuing Education Consultants Crystal Long: Center for the Book/Book Clubs Cathy Howser: Children’s Services & Institutions 29
Extension Services: General Consulting/Continuing Education Our motto is “Any question, anytime” We set up trainings and workshops for any library related subject. Private sessions can be scheduled for you, your staff or your board of trustees. Presentation will be posted to our website 30
Extension Services: web presence A work in progress…we will one day have -an idea exchange –postings of libraries best programs and outreach efforts 31
Extension Services: web presence -Information Clearinghouse Surveys: we send out short surveys on several topics and release the results for your use. -The Public Library Annual Survey—here you will find the materials sent out this year in your binder and more. The link to the survey, the instructions, the excel file for keeping next year’s statistics, instructions on how to use Bibliostat Connect to run reports comparing your library to any other library in the state or the entire county. 32
Extension Services: web presence Trustee Section with… an online version of the Public Library Trustee Handbook an orientation packet for new trustees information on advocacy legal responsibilities community leadership ways to get in touch with other library boards across the state. 33
E-rate Assistance 34
Center for the Book 36
Children’s Services 38
Arkansas Public Library Information 40
Library Related Legislation 44
Grants · Monitors federal funding provided to Arkansas through the Library Services and Technology Act or more commonly known as LSTA. Annual reports are submitted to the Institute of Museum and Library services. The reports are detailed explanations of projects and programs conducted throughout the year using federal funds. These reports are then used by IMLS in their reporting to Congress to justify appropriation levels. · Works closely with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grants for public libraries. This includes writing grant applications, distributing funds, and monitoring the progress of a grant through interim and final reports. · Works with General Improvement Fund grants when an application process is involved. · Answers grant questions from libraries and researches possible funding sources.. Contact Debbie Hall Office of Grants & Special Projects ◦ Phone: fax: ◦ 49
Arkansas Regional Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped Part of the National Service for the Blind in Washington—a part of the Library of Congress One of 140 special libraries across the United States providing free loan of public library type books, magazines and music in Braille or recorded format. You are eligible if you cannot see well enough to read regular print (even with your glasses), if you have a physical disability that makes it difficult to hold a book or turn pages or if you have a medically diagnosed reading or learning disability. Materials are mailed directly to your home for a 6 week loan period and may be returned postage free by simply turning over the mailing address card to reveal the address of the Arkansas State Library. Special format playback machines and adaptive equipment are provided on free loan for as long as you are using the service. For a presentation on BPH please contact ◦ J.D.Hall, Manager of BPH Services ◦ phone: ◦ 52
Documents Services The State Documents unit is responsible for managing the Official State Documents Depository and to oversee the Publications Clearinghouse. The collection consists of 320,000 items— distributed through the Clearinghouse to 25 Document Depository Libraries statewide. Publications are cataloged into the Arkansas State Library online catalog and can be requested through interlibrary loan. Some publications are available online only and can be accessed by clicking on the URL in the bibliographic record. 55
Documents Services The Federal Documents Unit is responsible for the Regional Depository for federal publications. Each state has a Regional Depository set up to disseminate information produced by all three branches of the federal government at no charge to the public. The majority of publications received in the last 2 years are online and accessible through the Arkansas State Library’s online catalog by clicking the URL in the bibliographic record. 56
Patents and Trademarks 57
Cataloging Cataloging Services is responsible for all cataloging activities for the Arkansas State Library collections Will provide original cataloging for libraries or agencies without the means to do original cataloging. Supports the development and use of the online Arkansas union list of serials. Increases and maintains the ASL reference collections to enhance statewide resource sharing. 59
Other Arkansas Information 60